Author Archives: David Loye

Feature Article: The Evolutionary Outrider

Feature Articles / August 2009

david loyeIn The Evolutionary Outrider: The Impact of the Human Agent on Evolution, in 1998 I introduced the concept of the evolutionary outrider. The term was meant to capture the situation of those who boldly scout on ahead of us to explore potentially revolutionary as well as evolutionary prospects for a better future. These evolutionary outriders, I see now, are of two kinds.

One set is of the theorists, who seek to better understand, and teach, and …

Leadership Cartoon: Bill Bates

Leadership Cartoon / June 2009

bill bates dates

bill batesBill Bates has died.

We have known for weeks now this was coming, but it’s still a jolt.

To see this man, my dear friend, now gone, his most needed smile and funny story, his grace of movement and always sympathetic, caring, ready to help presence never to be felt again, is so very hard for us who knew and loved him.

Such a great talent as an artist and as a friend rarely comes our …