Category Archives: August 2009

Fresh Perspectives: Integral Leadership and Business: An Interview with Rand Stagen and Brett Thomas

Fresh Perspective / August 2009

Rand StagenRuss VolckmannRand Stagen and Brett Thomas are significant innovators in the application of integral perspectives and approaches to organizations and leadership. I have wanted to interview them for some time, particularly since interviewing two of their clients. Here is an update on their innovative activities.

Russ: I welcome this wonderful opportunity to talk with two business partners whom I’ve known now for a number of years. They’ve been important supporters of Integral Leadership Review—Rand Stagen and Brett Thomas, thank you very …

Leadership Coaching Tip: You Are Your Most Important Tool

Leadership Coaching Tips / August 2009

Kristoffer NelsonAs leaders, coaches, and change agents each of us have so much to give and offer. It seems from the desire to give, the fear of not knowing, and the push for a result we can so easily loose ourselves in the process. I’ve certainly found myself so lost in trying to solve someone’s problem or decide what technique to employ I have completely lost touch, becoming removed from myself and the person in front of me.

The large majority …

Integral for the Masses: A fresh Perspective on Technology and Its Role in Furthering Integral Leadership

Integral for the Masses / August 2009

keith bellamyFirst an apology to anybody who was expecting to see the second part of my article on the work that we did on the State of the Integral Spirituality Movement at the Integral New York City Salon (iNYCS) earlier this year. It was always my intention to present the conclusions that we arrived at in this issue of ILR. However, as the great Liverpudlian sage, John Lennon would have said, “Life is what happens while you are busy making plans

Feature Article: Going Nowhere Fast? Simulations and the Future of Leadership Development

Feature Articles / August 2009

denticoLeadership development is going nowhere fast is the chief finding of Development Dimensions International (DDI) 2008/2009 Global Leadership Forecast where 1493 HR professionals and 12,208 international leaders from 76 countries were interviewed. The two most cited reasons for why leaders fail were leadership and interpersonal skills 19% and strategic visionary skills 19%. What makes this finding even more amazing is that seventy-five (75) percent of the executives surveyed identified improving or leveraging leadership talent as a top business priority. Additionally,


Announcements / August 2009

State of the World Forum

We want to inform you that the upcoming State of the World Forum has been rescheduled from November 12-14, 2009 to February 28 – March 3, 2010. This has come about due to the extraordinary success of our endeavors and the fact that what was originally an intent to convene a conference has morphed into a global strategy to develop a 2020 Climate Leadership Campaign.

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The 4th Annual Integral Leadership in Action (ILiA)

Book Review: Salmon of Knowledge

Book Reviews / August 2009

Nick Owen’s Salmon of Knowledge

salmon of knowledgekeith bellamyAll it takes are six little words to catch and hold an individual’s attention. “Let me tell you a story.”

No matter our age, from infant to nonagenarian, the thought of hearing or telling a story acts at the deepest level of our neural structures and prepares us for a shift in consciousness – sometimes slight, sometimes profound. Telling and listening to stories are acts that define and distinguish us from most of the animal …

Feature Article: The Evolutionary Outrider

Feature Articles / August 2009

david loyeIn The Evolutionary Outrider: The Impact of the Human Agent on Evolution, in 1998 I introduced the concept of the evolutionary outrider. The term was meant to capture the situation of those who boldly scout on ahead of us to explore potentially revolutionary as well as evolutionary prospects for a better future. These evolutionary outriders, I see now, are of two kinds.

One set is of the theorists, who seek to better understand, and teach, and thereby help guide evolution …

Learner Paper: The Evolution of Leadership and Mentorship from 1975 – Present

Learner Papers / August 2009

Kelly McInnes, University of Saskatchewan, Canada

kelly mcinnesIntroduction

The purpose of this paper is to review the evolution of leadership and the evolution of mentorship as it has occurred over the last 34 years and provide speculation about the next phase of mentorship in relation to the evolution of leadership.

Both leadership and mentorship are constructs that have been around for a very long time. Mentorship can be traced back to the figure portrayed in Homer’s Odyssey (Kram, 1988; Ragins & …

Featured Article: Releasing the Potential of Integral Values

Feature Articles / August 2009

“Your values become your destiny.”

Mahatma Gandhi

mick quinnThe 2009 State of the World Forum is being held in Washington, D.C. early next year (2010). This momentous event is using an integral framework to bring together the different aspects of how we evaluate information and make decisions. The website states that these aspects fall into four quadrants:

  1. our personal values,
  2. our cultural values,
  3. our personal actions, and
  4. our collective actions.

The State of the World Forum site continues: These four aspects …

Notes from the Field: Orchestrating a New Meshwork for Mexico: a Natural Designs Approach

Notes from the Field / August 2009

Roberto BonillaSince January 2007 when formally we started the Integral Mexico Project, we focused on identify key leaders both in government and Mexican NGO’s. What we have found in the case of government leaders, is their focus in the next election, rather in the next generation (at least!). On the other hand, the NGO’s leaders are so committed with their mission that find hard to integrate efforts with other NGO’s, leading in both cases—government and NGO’s—to fragmented actions.

At the same …