Category Archives: December 2004


Announcements / December 2004

Adizes Graduate School is offering a three-day Adizes BTP(Breakthorough to Prime)-March 3-5, 2005-seminar and a six-day Spiral Dynamics seminar-March 7-12, 2005 – both live in Santa Barbara, California.

Additional 2005 Spiral Dynamics

Training and Public Events Schedule

All SDi workshops and other learning events are presented by Dr. Don Beck, assisted by close colleagues in the Spiral Dynamics Integral constellation, unless otherwise stated below.

Provisional 2005 dates for SDi Level One and Two, Three or Special Presentations are:

  • Jan

A Fresh Perspective: Leadership as an Organizational Trait An Interview with James O’Toole

Fresh Perspective / December 2004

Q: One thing from your writing is the idea that the focus on the heroic notion of leadership is destructive. Would you care to comment on that?

A: I don’t use the word ‘heroic,’ but I think it is dangerous to focus on leadership as an individual trait. It is also based on the fiction that in any one organization there is a ‘leader,’ the person who is at the top of the organization. I think, in fact, when you …

Leadership Coaching Tip

Leadership Coaching Tips / December 2004

When coaching executives, look for openings to explore the relationship between interior-individual lines of development (intellectual, emotional, etc.) and organizational systems (vision and strategy, communications, etc.) An example of such an exploration would follow from the question, “What’s the link between your energy (belief, focus, etc.) and current organizational strategy?” Another might be, “What organizational systems are important for you to be effective in pursuing that strategy (solving that problem, etc.)?” Such questions can help generate insights and uncover blind

Feature Article: Scenarios and Lines: Advancing Leadership Development

Feature Articles / December 2004

Russ VolckmannIn the last two issues of Integral Leadership Review I have been writing about the use of scenarios and leadership development. Here I will develop this idea further with particular attention to the idea of lines of development. I will also link this exploration to the interview with James O’Toole in this issue of  Integral Leadership Review.

The use of scenarios is not a new idea. Shell’s pioneering efforts have been noted in earlier articles here and elsewhere and an …

CODA: Business Simulations

Coda / December 2004

Here is an example of the use of simulations in business as a learning device. It suggests to me that this is an important approach to development that relates directly to an integral perspective. The source of this information is:

Reworking Intuition: Business simulations spark rapid workplace renovations

Bruce Bower

Peter Senge is reported to have said that 80% of organization change efforts fail to meet their goals and we don’t know why the other 20% succeed.  This brief …

Leadership Quote

Leadership Quote / December 2004

“…Last winter BusinessWeek ran a cover story, ‘Waking Up from the American Dream,’ that detailed how most Americans have a small and diminishing chance of moving up in socioeconomic class.
“Evidently, Americans accept this arrangement – at any rate they keep returning to office the politicians whose policies reinforce the divisions between the haves and have-nots. But it may be worth considering what happens to U.S. institutions as class barriers grow more difficult to surmount. If Americans lose faith in

Leading Comments

Leading Comments / December 2004

I am grateful to the more than 925 subscribers to Integral Leadership Review. Your support means that we can move closer to a way of viewing and being in the world that is integrative, generative and supportive of our evolving integrity – learning to align our theory and our action, our values and assumptions with achieving what is important to us and to the world. Also, I am grateful to the many kindnesses, suggestions and offers of support we have …

Integral For the Masses: Avoiding the Elitist Trap

Integral for the Masses / December 2004

Keith BellamyI am making the assumption that you are reading this on the screen of your computer.  If you happen to be one of those individuals who prints copies of this newsletter and reads at a time and place that feels more convenient than on your desktop, laptop or any other preferred device, the following is just as pertinent to you.  I have a couple of questions that I’d like you to ponder:

* Just how much do you understand about