Category Archives: March 2004

Feature Article: The Integral Model of Leadership: Integral Leadership – Part 23 Making Integral Leadership Actionable

Feature Articles / March 2004

I was asked recently how I was applying my thinking about Integral Leadership in my coaching with executives and others. Part of my response included the observation that I rarely talk about integral or the idea of Integral Leadership. Rather, I use language that is more connected to the culture I am working in. And I referenced the old saw, “You’ve got to start where the client is at.” I do believe that whether as consultants or coaches, we find

A Fresh Perspective: A Conversation with Fred Kofman

Fresh Perspective / March 2004

Originally from Argentina, Fred Kofman spent several years as a faculty member at MIT and worked closely with Peter Senge. Now in Colorado, his consulting and coaching practice has led to the creation of a new business and a close relationship with Ken Wilber. He is the author of Metamanagement, published in Spanish and soon to be available in English.

Q: There has been in recent years more and more literature about the importance of spirit in business, and …

Leadership Coaching Tip: Leverage for Learning

Leadership Coaching Tips / March 2004

When coaching leaders from an integral perspective our ability to discern where the client is at is critical. What we need to look for are beliefs, assumptions and mental models held by the leader. Second we need to look at the behaviors that are launched from this internal platform. Next we need to examine the relationships between the individual leader’s models and behaviors in relation to the organizational culture and systems in which they are active. None of this is …

Leading Comments

Leading Comments / March 2004

In Memoriam: Robert Tannenbaum

Robert Tannenbaum died this month in Carmel, California. In addition to being a pioneer in organization and leadership development, he was a leader in recognizing the importance of the development of the consultant, as well. I believe it was at the 1984 Organization Development Network Conference that he spoke to almost a thousand assembled consultants. At a time when the focus of the field seemed to be so much on tools and methods, he reminded us …


Coda / March 2004

Sara Ross , “A Developmental Approa A: Integral Public Practice For Complex Public Issues”

Sara Ross has been concerned with community development for a number of years. She has brought her integral perspective to this challenge in her work independently and with the Kettering Foundation. She states, “Public processes are integral when they aim public attention at the real breadth and depth of issues. They do this by working with people’s different motivations, worldviews, and behaviors, with cultural influences, and …


Book Reviews / March 2004

Daryl S. Paulson, Ph.D., Competitive Business, Caring Busining. New York: Paraview Press, 2002. (with a Forward by Ken Wilber)

Let’s address the Forward first: Ken Wilber points out that this is one of the first integrated approaches to business to be published. “It is fresh, provocative, and daring. Although I do not necessarily agree with all the details–who does? – it is based on sound theory and research that anyone can test in the laboratory of his or her own …

Leadership Quote

Leadership Quote / March 2004

“Executive team members fail to devote enough attention to developing team cohesion….Often, issues pile up which are never dealt with, thus damaging the fabric of the team. Top teams need regular health checks but there’s a special skill in being able to see clearly what is going on in a team. The CEO has to decide how to lead members through problems and dysfunctions and get the team to adjust its collective leadership approach. How a CEO manages this team