Category Archives: November 2002

A Fresh Perspective: A Conversation with Leo Burke

Fresh Perspective / November 2002

Leo Burke was at Motorola for 12 years, the last six of which were in Motorola University. During that time, he was Dean and Director of the College of Leadership and Transcultural Studies. More recently he became Associate Dean for Executive Education at the Business School at the University of Notre Dame. There he has initiated programs based on an integral approach to leadership.

Q: What I know of you I think first came out in Ken Wilber’s book on …

Leadership Coaching Tip: Engaging the Culture

Leadership Coaching Tips / November 2002

Important to the coaching process is supporting the leader and the collective of which s/he is a part to gain clarity about how they make meaning in the face of change and ambiguity. One approach is to explore meaning making in levels that parallel those of learning: performance enhancement, individual and system change, and transformation–a change in meaning. Executives that I work with currently are finding the exploration of transformational learning, the learning about the learner, to be an important

Leading Comments

Leading Comments / November 2002


I am grateful to the more than 500 subscribers to Integral Leadership Review. Your support means that we can move closer to a way of viewing and being in the world that is integrative, generative and supportive of our evolving integrity – learning to align our theory and our action, our values and assumptions with achieving what is important to us. Also, I am grateful to the many kindnesses, suggestions and offers of support we have received.

The mission …


Letters / November 2002

Thanks for this news [ Integral Leadership Review, October 2002]. I’ve had a number of opportunities to interact with Mike Jay and he has a first class mind, with a depth of understanding of the dynamics of leadership. I strongly recommend that others read this interview.

Also, the November 11, 2002 issue of BusinessWeek has an excellent feature story on CEO Coaches. It begins with the following: “Few chief executives will talk about it. But more and more, they’re turning …


Coda / November 2002

Mary Hessler-Key, Ph.D. and Robin Wood, Ph.D.,
Developing Leadership Capacity: Searching for the Integral
A paper presented at the 1st International Conference on Integral Leadership,
London, England, October 2002

Abstract: Leadership studies generally brush over the issues that differences in values and cultural relativism raise by defining the test of leadership as the achievement of results (i.e. – “Does this leader accomplish what he or she set out to do? If so, the person must be a good leader.”) From …


Announcements / November 2002

Global Integral Research, Inc Presents:
The Wade Mindsets Leadership Development Program, Jenny Wade Ph.D.

This two-day workshop is a certification program in the Wade Mindsets System for Leadership Development. This unique approach is based on adult developmental psychology and how it affects:

  • The way people think
  • The environment and work they prefer
  • How they relate to others
  • The way they respond to different incentives
  • How they pay attention selectively
  • How they communicate and respond to communication
  • How they make decisions

Feature Article: The Integral Model of Leadership: The Cultural Imperative Integral Leadership – Part 20

Feature Articles / November 2002

In an earlier edition of Integral Leadership Review (Volume 11, No. 3 – March, 2002), I discussed the notion of attunement, the dynamics of the relationship between the individual leader’s values, beliefs, assumptions and intentions in relation to those held by the collective, that is, within the culture. Since that time interesting work has been done on the use of Ken Wilber’s notion of lines in individual consciousness and development. These are cognitive, emotional, somatic, relational, spiritual, and integrating.

Leadership Quotes

Leadership Quote / November 2002

“The reason leaders must mediate values is that corporations have reached such levels of complexity that ‘giving orders’ rarely works anymore. What increasingly happens is that leaders’manage culture’ by fine-tuning values and dilemmas, and then that culture runs the organization. The leader defines excellence and develops an appropriate culture, and then the culture does the excelling.” ~Fons Trompenaars and Charles Hampden-Turner, 21 Leaders for the 21st Century
“My interest in leadership has always been from the perspective of those we

Notes from the Field: Integral Leadership in the 21st Century

Notes from the Field / November 2002


The 1st European Integral Leadership Summit was held in London over the weekend of 18 to 20 October, 2002. It was put on by Inspiral World in conjunction with a number of sponsors including the Global Values Network (GVN). As part of the Leadership Summit the GVN ran a specialized GVM WorldSCAN Integral Leadership Survey where data was collected on-line from participants as well as from the broader GVN Global Partner network.
Broad Objectives
The Leadership Summit was put