Category Archives: October 2001

Leading Comments

Leading Comments / October 2001


I am grateful for the three hundred and twenty five subscribers (as of this writing) to Leadership Opportunity. Your support means that we can move together closer to a way of viewing and being in the world that is integrating, generative and supports our evolving integrity – learning to align our theory and our action. Also, I wish to express my gratitude to the many kindnesses, suggestions and offers of support Leadership Opportunity has received.

The mission of this

Feature Article: Leading the Enterprise

Feature Articles / October 2001

I’ve always wanted to be an iconoclast. I mean, an effective iconoclast: someone who can powerfully and successfully challenge our conventional thinking, our conventional wisdom. Perhaps that is why the subject of leadership interests me so much. Leaders cannot afford not to be iconoclasts of sorts. They need to continually challenge the conventional wisdom in order to assure that whether in business or other aspects of life we are able to successfully engage with this messy organic process of life

Leadership Coaching Tip

Leadership Coaching Tips / October 2001

Coaching for Enterprise Leadership
Executive coaching can be helpful to leaders in developing strategy. They may want to get a handle on their relationships with stakeholders and how those relationships link to business objectives. It is also important to look at relationships with other leaders and the levels of alignment and engagement they have with them in moving the business forward. Alignment is about what is important. Engagement is about how they implement what is important.
“What’s important” questions can

Leadership Quote

Leadership Quote / October 2001

“…[John] Sunderland [CEO of Cadbury Schweppes], [Brian] Pitman [CEO of Lloyds TSB] and Mike Parker, president and CEO of Dow Chemical, are all leaders who have had the confidence to go against the grain of conventional business wisdom or best practice. To begin with, their scorecards are decidedly unbalanced…Second, all three executives have devoted an unusually large amount of their personal attention to managing ‘executive time – that is, focusing senior management on addressing the opportunities that represent the highest