Category Archives: Emerging Scholars

7/31 – Self Led Leadership for Self and the Other

July 2020 / Emerging Scholars

Linda Lilian

Linda Lillian

Northhouse (2007:p3) said leadership was a process in which an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal. In this definition emphasis is placed on the individuals ability to influence. In this paper it is argued that leadership is rooted in the individual (self), thus affecting the individual who in turn affect others, in such a way that an effect becomes visible.

The objective of this paper is to demonstrate ethical leadership in …

7/31 – To Woman or Man Up for Leadership: The Case of the Uganda Parliament

July 2020 / Emerging Scholars

Linda Lilia


Linda Lillian

“Embwa ezala embwa” (a dog reproduces a dog) was a response given in a research inquiry regarding women were more ethically apt than men. The response which hinged on women’s performance as legislators received a feedback that indicated a woman being mentored in a patriarchal system would not deliver the much anticipated woman led leadership. Rather that woman would be a duplicate of that system.

Ethically leadership has the agenda to target positive results in …

4/22 – A Critical Review of Pre-Engagement Organizational Consulting Diagnosis Methods

Emerging Scholars / April-June 2017

Todd Hatley


While there’s uncertainty regarding the success rate of organizational change and improvement efforts, many reports show failure rates of 60-70%. Decker and his colleagues (2012) suggest that change and improvement efforts can be improved by appropriately diagnosing what changes are needed and the organization’s readiness to change. My reading in the areas of organizational development, integral theory, and adult constructive development led me to question the completeness of current approaches to pre-engagement organizational diagnosis methods (PEODM). In …

11/27 – Connections: The Invisible Dynamics of Leadership

Emerging Scholars / August-November 2013

Sherill Lambruschini


This article is a review of the literature and serves as a theoretical framework that helps shed light about experiences of interpersonal connections of leaders in the workplace.  Literature from several fields within leadership that influences the area of inquiry related to interpersonal connections and emotions of leaders will be discussed.  In conclusion, a summary of the literature reviewed will be provided and discussion of how a greater depth of research should be performed to fill the …

Student Paper

Emerging Scholars / January 2010

The Nonlinearity of Cultural Tradition:
Baron Carl von Clausewitz, the First Vector of the On War Fractal X
by Jeannie Carlisle Volckmann

Jeannie Carlisle VolckmannFew would disagree that On War by Barron Carl von Clausewitz (1780-1831), is the most influential book ever written on military philosophy in the Western world. Its popularity has not waned since the nineteenth century, the proof of which is On War remains on the US Army Chief of Staff’s professional reading list to this day. (1) Clausewitz …