Category Archives: Peer Reviewed Articles

4/28 – Complexity, self-organization and leadership: Enlivened experiences from The Netherlands

Peer Reviewed Articles / April-June 2016

Jaap Geerlof and Anke van Beckhoven







Our home country, The Netherlands, seems to be a fertile ground for self-organizing organizations and is an incubator for researchers that are interested in the topic of leadership and self-organization. Scientific literature unveils that the question of leadership of self-organizing organizations is surrounded by controversy. Some scholars interpret the emergence of self-organizations as the starting point of leaderless organizations, others emphasize its emanation as a opportunity for coaching …

6/16 – The Nicolescuian and Zurich Approaches to Transdisciplinarity

Peer Reviewed Articles / April - June 2015

Sue L. T. McGregor PhD Professor Emerita (MSVU)


Despite a “plurality of transdisciplinary models” (Nicolescu, 2008c, p. 13), the full range of transdisciplinarity has not yet been fully grasped and tabulated (du Plessis, Sehume, & Martin, 2013; Jahn, 2012). However, two approaches to transdisciplinary tend to prevail: (a) the Nicolescuian approach and (b) the Zurich approach (Klein, 2004, McGregor, 2014, 2015; Nicolescu, 2006, 2008c; Nowonty, 2003). People tend to cite one or the other of the two approaches (readily …

4/7 – Integral Leadership Peer Review

Peer Reviewed Articles / April - June 2015

Mark McCaslin

The Integral Leadership Review is the world’s premier publication of integrated approaches to leading and leadership. It is a bridging publication that links authors and readers across cultures around the world. It serves leaders, professionals and academics engaged in the practice, development and theory of leadership. It bridges multiple perspectives by drawing on integral, transdisciplinary, complexity and developmental frameworks. These bridges are intended to assist all who read the Integral Leadership Review to develop and implement comprehensive shifts …

4/7 – Scholarly Leadership Considered – A Call for Papers

Peer Reviewed Articles / April - June 2015

Mark McCaslin

“Faculty are losing out, too. Research and publications have become the primary means by which most professors achieve academic status, and yet many academics are, in fact, drawn to the profession precisely because of their love for teaching or service—even for making the world a better place.” (Boyer, 1990, p. xii)  Twenty-five years have passed since The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching issued Ernest Boyer’s Scholarship Reconsidered. Having been a professor and scholar during that …