Tag Archives: Bill Torbert

4/28 – Bradbury and Torbert. Eros/Power – Love in the Spirit of Inquiry

Book Reviews / April-June 2016

Joseph Friedman

41LjIikicLL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_Eros/Power is a wonderfully brave and highly readable book. Brave because, although both Hilary Bradbury and Bill Torbert are acclaimed scholars, they have stepped from behind the safety of footnotes to write in a deeply personal manner,of eros (love, life energy, sensuality and sexuality) and power ( energy applied for effect, both unilateral and mutually exercised), using chapters from their own lives to illustrate and amplify their inquiry. The authors refer to Eros as …

11/30 – The Amara Adventure: Bringing Transformation to Life in Organizations

Notes from the Field / August-November 2015

Assembled & edited by Jane Allen and Nick Owen

Snapshots of a transformational leadership conference with inputs from

Bill Torbert & Frederic Laloux

Amara is a collaboration of likeminded leadership practitioners formed earlier this year with the stated purpose of doubling the number of leaders with transformational leadership capacity worldwide within 25 years. The founders are Heidi Gutekunst (Finland), Irena Pranskeviciute (Lithuania), Jane Allen (UK), and Bill Torbert (USA). The Amara Collaboration, as it is formally …

Consciousness Models in Action: Comparisons

Feature Articles / June 2012

 Maretha Prinsloo


This paper discusses various theoretical models of the evolution of consciousness as well as critically evaluates and integrates the models into a single organising framework, which is then applied to leadership theory.

The construct of consciousness as described by the Spiral Dynamics (SD) model of Clare Graves is linked to the work of other developmental and consciousness theorists, namely Wilber, Gebser, Piaget, May, Kohlberg, Perry, Loevinger, Maslow and Kegan. The spiritual perspectives of …