Tag Archives: embodied leadership

05/31 – Leadership: Why the Body Matters

Leadership Coaching Tips / May 2018

Jon Love

Leadership lives in the body. What I will attempt to lay out in this short piece is the notion that our access to producing the phenomenon recognized as “leadership” is first and foremost an embodied “way of being” that can be developed with practice.

So let’s start with a common understanding of what we mean when we say “leadership.” My definition starts with the idea that there are “leadership moments” in which one person’s …

Leadership Is a Lived Story: A Call for Radical Embodiment and Soul Resilience in Transformational Leadership Development

Feature Articles / March 2013

Carol Burbank

Abstract: The most direct way of developing the necessary flexibility and health for transformational leadership is through radically embodied presence. This kind of embodiment involves a fundamental reintegration of body, mind and spirit, involves developing evolutionary strengths that allow individual leaders to fully access their inner resources while connecting in the moment-to-moment, negotiated process of sustainable transformation.

For something that seems to be a universal quest, good leadership is a culturally specific puzzle, with …