Tag Archives: philosophy

4/28 – Transfiguring the Everyday: Socio-Cultural Ontologies and Philosophical Transgression

Feature Articles / April-June 2016

Michael Schwartz



Disenchantment, Philosophy, Meta-Philosophy

Disenchantment is a recurring, if at times underground, concern in contemporary continental and comparative philosophy. To get some quick bearings, let us recall Weber’s famous characterization of modern instrumental reason and its rationalizing processes as dissolving and displacing pre-modern senses of an inherently meaningful and magical world. Similarly, in a more directly philosophical register, Heidegger’s history of being culminates in the reign of Gestell, a mode of sending …

Understanding Human Happiness, Its Measure and a New Leadership Role

Feature Articles / June 2013


In order to understand the role of leadership in promoting happiness, it is necessary to define happiness. A casual survey of people on the street would seem to indicate they know what makes them happy. Often these conversations will result in discussions about having enough money and resources, a nice place to live, closeness to family and friends, personal freedom to live their lives without undue external interference, and even a healthy spiritual life may …

Professor V.V. Nalimov: A Man Who Surpassed His Time

Feature Articles / March 2013

Transformation of Consciousness and New Reality

 Svetlana Maltseva

The present article introduces Professor Vasiliy Vasilievich Nalimov, a Russian mathematician and philosopher, whose ideas and concepts, regarding human consciousness, are both exciting and provocative. Nalimov’s profound scientific works showed the world that our society needs to see far beyond our time dimension to change the situation of collapse and the disordered state of moral values. Nalimov’s concepts of meaning and consciousness expand on a great variety of …