Tag Archives: Robin Wood

11/30 – Leveraging Integral Leadership to Shift Sustainability Mindsets into a ThriveAbility Paradigm

Notes from the Field / August-November 2015

Bill Baue and Robin Wood

To achieve sustainability, we need to transcend the sustainability paradigm – a limiting mindset that (counter-intuitively) has only succeeded in solidifying unsustainability. We need to transcend and include sustainability by integrating it into a new meta-paradigm that spawns systems designed to thrive, sustainably. To get from here to there, integral leadership turns out to be a key that unlocks the conundrum of how to shift mindsets from wherever they are now …

10/9 – Integral Leadership for a Regenerative, Inclusive Economy

Column / August-November 2015

Robin Lincoln Wood

Robin Wood

Overview of the Purpose of this Series of Articles

– with excerpts from “A Leader’s Guide to ThriveAbility”

This series of articles is intended to illuminate how an integral approach to leadership can help us meet the critical leadership challenges of the 21st century. We apply the perspective and frameworks of ThriveAbility to gain a unique vantage point on how integral leadership embedded in a Thriveability approach offers powerful advantages to those seeking …

10/9 – A Leader’s Guide to ThriveAbility: A Multi-Capital Operating System for a Regenerative Inclusive Economy

Leadership Emerging / August-November 2015

ResizeImageHandlerRobin has brilliantly woven his ThriveAbility model into a field manual for executives, policy makers and change agents in service of creating a better world for future generations. Earth’s 7.3 billion citizens are currently consuming 1.6 times its available resources. This rate is clearly not sustainable, and trends indicate it will continue to rise. We have already hit a critical point. We are already seeing serious adverse impacts. These trends will continue unless we take immediate …