- Leadership Quote: Goethe and Clauswitz
- Leading Comments: Albert Klamt, Dorothea Zimmer with Russ Volckmann
- Poem: Celia Zimmer, Mahnung
- Leadership Coaching Tip: Coaching Beyond the Individual, Russ Volckmann
- Interview: Marc Lucas, by Russ Volckmann
- Article: Dorothea F. Zimmer, Cultural Shift in Germany? Some Observations about the Development of Germany
- Article: Albert Klamt, Quo vadis, Germany? or Feeding the Flames of Identity
- Review: Christian Arnsperger, Full-Spectrum Economics, Russ Volckmann
- Article: Claudine Villemot-Kienzle, Project Report: Development of Integral Ecological Centres for Electrosensitive Individuals
- Article: Nadja Rosmann, Being German—New Pride in the Nation in Harmony With the Heart
- Artikel auf Deutsch: Nadja Rosmann, Deutsch-Sein—Ein Neuer Stolz auf die Nation im ein Klang mit dem Herzen
- Leadership for the Masses: Keith Bellamy, Germany–A Personal Odyssey
- Article: Timothy Speed, Getting Angry, Brave and Concrete!
- Article: Christian Salvesen, A Matter of Perspective: The Philosophy of Jean Gebser and Integral Leadership
- Article: Sebastian Gronbach, Anthroposophy from the Inside: What People Have Wanted to Know about Anthroposophy and Not Found in Wikipedia.
- Review: Donna Ladkin, Rethinking Leadership: A New Look at Old Leadership Question, Russ Volckmann
- Article: Graham Mummery, My Germany
- Artikel auf Deutsch: Graham Mummery, Lieder zu singen jenseits der Menschen
- Global Values Update: Alan Tonkin The EU: An Organisation Divided by Values: Why the European Union is Not an Integrated Entity
- Article: Sue McGregor and Russ Volckmann, Transdisciplinarity in Higher Education, Part 3: The European Union (Germany and Austria—and South Tyrol, Italy)
- Review: Tom Thresher, Reverent Irreverence: Integral Church for the 21st Century; From Cradle to Christ Consciousness, Terri O'Fallon
- Leadership Cartoon: Mark Hill
- Alia Zara Aurami-Sou, “OM”, Integral Theory Conference
- Russ Volckmann, Integral Theory Conference
- Lynn Feldman, Integral Theory Conference
- Sean Wilkinson, Integral Theory Conference
- Jeannie Carlisle Volckmann, Integral Theory Conference
- John Bunzl, UK General Election
- Marcus Molz, The Institute for Integral Studies: A New Initiative to Enhance the Integral Research Communities
- Elke Fein, Report on the International Symposium: “Research Across Boundaries”
- Sue McGregor, International Symposium: Research Across Boundaries
- Announcements: France, Canada, Netherlands, UK, Greece, Australia, South Africa, Czech Republic
- Keith Merron, The Golden Flame
- Shel Leanne, Leadership the Barack Obama Way: Make Change Happen
- Rebecca Shambaugh, Leadership Secrets of Hillary Clinton
- Steve Arneson. Bootstrap Leadership: 50 Ways to Break Out, Take Charge, and Move Up
- Coda: Moral and Ethical Passion, Russ Volckmann
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