Monthly Archives: January 2011

Notes from the Field: International Centre for Integral Studies (ICIS)

Notes from the Field / January 2011

Matthew Rich

During my time working in India in 2010 I became increasingly interested in the work of Sri Aurobindo. I had obviously encountered Aurobindo’s name through my readings of Ken Wilber and thought that I had familiarized with a lot of his key ideas (in retrospect I don’t think that this was the case at all). When I got to India however it quickly dawned on me that there was a textual richness to Aurobindo’s …

Notes from the Field: Playing for Change: Transforming the World with Joy

Notes from the Field / January 2011

Vanita Ramirez

One of Ken Wilber’s visions is of a world federation led by individuals at later stages of consciousness, individuals who can see with greater complexity and make decisions that will bring greater beauty, truth and goodness to all of us, individuals who support the evolution of consciousness in service to a better future for all.  This kind of world federation is not yet a reality, however, there are individuals whose innovative forms of leadership …

Notes from the Field: Research Work Supporting an Integrally Informed Master of Arts Program in Conflict Analysis and Engagement

Notes from the Field / January 2011

Richard McGuigan

The Master of Arts program in Conflict Analysis and Engagement (CAE) at Antioch University Midwest (AUM) is a hybrid distributed learning program designed to engage the whole person and to facilitate the growth of consciousness and complexity of meaning-making among its students. In support of the Master of Arts program, several research studies are underway at the Feind Institute of Integral Research, located within the Institute of Conflict Analysis and Engagement (ICAE) at AUM. …


Announcements / January 2011


Integral Leadership Review Website Overhaul

As you no doubt have noticed, we are in the process of overhauling Integral Leadership Review, and creating a website that can accommodate new interactive Web 2.0 technologies. Eventually, all of the material from the original site will be brought into the new site and be indexed and searchable via topic, author or date.

In the meantime, please visit our archive page that gives you immediate access ten years of …

Leadership Emerging: Descriptions of Books, Articles and Other Media

Leadership Emerging / January 2011

In Leadership Emerging we bring to your attention new texts of special interest and merit. Check out these promising titles…

ReVison: Special Issue on Transformative Leadership, Edited by Alfonso Montouri and Urusa Fahim, Winter 2010, Volume 30, Nos. 3 & 4.

Published almost a year ago, this highly relevant issue of ReVision includes articles by Montouri, Jay Ogilvy, Charles Hampden-Turner, Riane Eisler , Roger Harrison and others. On the opening page of the introductory piece …

Feature Article: ‘Amirtasya Putraha’ (Children of Immortal Bliss) Rejoice being ‘Slumdog Millionaire’?

Feature Articles / January 2011

O. B. Ramasubramanian

Editors Note:The dawn of Independence in India also saw the breakdown of a dialogue between the believers in the Nehruvian Model of development and the Gandhian. What is visible today is the economic growth of India.  However, with the global crises accelerating, the Gandhian perspectives of development and growth are becoming recognized as a possible long term solution while the negative fall outs of the Nehruvian Model that many see as the


Announcements / January 2008

Announcements related to Not-for-Profit conferences, programs and publications will be included if submitted within one week of publication in each issue. See Submission Guidelines for publication dates. Announcements of For-Profit programs and publications will be treated as promotions and advertising. Rates for this can be negotiated by

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Integral Review

Integral Review 5 published in December 2007. You can access this free online journal at

Table of Contents

Editorial A Time of …

Featured Article: How to Win the Hearts and the Heads of CEOs

Feature Articles / January 2011

R. Sridhar

Editors Note: This paper narrates the authors excitement in being able to find a convergence between his Orange Organizational Identity and his yearning to merge his Purple and Blue selves that don’t find expression in the business context. The Indian mind has been both luaded and criticised for being very flexible. What is not often understood is that a Green and Yellow underpinning that impacts the BLUE-purple form of

Featured Article: Telos – A Consciousness Based Perspective

Feature Articles / January 2011

Manoj Pavitran in collaboration with Arul Dev


Telos is a model of consciousness and its evolutionary journey, based on the pioneering work of Sri Aurobindo1, a philosopher yogi and well known spiritual master of India who articulated an integral perspective nearly a century ago. Telos has in focus the evolutionary transformation of the individual who is the agent of change in groups in the context of a global evolutionary transformation, a core theme

Leadership Cartoon: Mark Hill

Leadership Cartoon / January 2011


Mark Hill

l am a cartoonist whose cartoons have been published in over 100 magazines and newspapers, including Time Magazine, The Chicago Tribune and the Los Angeles Times.

My specialty is cartoons and humorous illustration for advertising, business and publish- ing. Fortune 500 clients with national advertising campaigns are among my repeat custom- ers…as well as start-up businesses with smaller budgets. 95% of my clients are outside of my home state of Colorado…so I can …