Dialogue Two: The Absolute, Relative and the Non-Dual with Peter Merry and Nishad Dubashia

Dialogue 2 with Peter Merry and Nishad Dubashia was featured in the 2021 July issue of ILR. You can read that here.

James Ehrlich on the Future of Housing with ReGen Villages

James Ehrlich talked with Eric and Jeremy about the future of housing and the ReGen Villages project. You can read the transcript version of the interview in our July 2021 issue.

Peter Merry and Nishad Dubashia: Dialogue 1 – Beyond Evolution and the Cognitive Mind

In 2020’s December Solstice edition, we featured the first in a series of dialogues between Peter Merry and Nishad Dubashia. You can read that transcript here.

Peter Merry and Nish Dubashia explore wide-reaching topics: from evolving beyond our conceptions of linear time, to David Bohm and Jiddu Krishnamurit’s dialogues, to the implications these insights on time and space have for reimagining our maps and models of consciousness evolution. Read Dialogue One: Integral Reflections on Science and Spirituality. We’re really looking forward to their next dialogue.

Mark McCaslin on Integral Leadership

Mark McCaslin, Associate Editor for Peer Review, offers a brief introduction to Integral Leadership in this slideshow plus audio lecture. Here is an opportunity to reflect on the practices of leading based on how we understand the concepts of leading, leader and leadership. In addition the subject of what integral leadership purposes is discussed as a set of potentiating social phenomena that moves us toward generative and actionable approaches to leadership.

Roy Bhaskar Interviewed at the Integral Theory Conference

At the July 2013 Integral Theory Conference in San Francisco, Giorgio Piacenza met with Roy Bhaskar, well known ontological philosopher of Critical Realism and Keynote Speaker at the Conference. Bhaskar was a founding member of the Centre for Critical Realism and the International Association of Critical Realism. He is currently employed at the Institute of Education in London where he is working on the application of CR to Peace Studies. Piacenza has published in Integral Leadership Review and has maintained a wide-ranging interest that impinges on various aspects of reality, aspects such as the mind-body problem, philosophy, cosmology and physics.

Ken Wilber has responded to criticisms of integral theory from the lens of critical realism.

Generativity, Transdisciplinarity and Integral Leadership

Russ Volckmann presents at a conference put on by United Nations University UNU, the UNESCO Faculty on Education for Sustainable Development, EDS of the University of York (Canada), the Regional Center of Expertise about EDS (RCE Lima-Callao), the Peruvian Ministry of the Environment and the Ministry of Education, the Peruvian Institute of Complex Thinking Edgar Morin – IPCEM of Ricardo Palma University, among other organizations. The International Encounter “America Propone” (America Proposes), was held in Lima, Peru in late February and early March, 2013.

Volckmann – McCaslin Dialogue

Mark and Russ live near opposite borders of the United States, one North, the other South. In January 2013 there was a rare opportunity for us to be in the same room together to talk about integral, leadership, transdisciplinarity and other topics. Our reflections are not only on theory but on the domains of integral and related development.

Design Me a Planet and Being 2012

We have initiated a series of videos featuring Michel Saloff-Coste of France. He is the founder of Integral University there and has initiated an approach, Design Me a Planet. To learn more about the latter watch this interview and/or read his article in the October 2012 issue of Integral Leadership Review.

The second interview is with Barbara Marx Hubbard. Michel Saloff-Coste discusses with her the history of her interest in integral and its application to her work in future studies. She also discusses the forthcoming Being 2012 taking place around the world on December 22, 2012.