Dear Readers,
Thank you for your patience this past year as we at Integral Leadership Review have taken a deep dive into sensing into our next phase of existence. In that, we have been sitting with the question, “What is integral leadership?” This is a question we need to re-visit—perhaps perpetually—as the mutual learning process continues to unfold between communities of meta-theory and praxis, and the ever-intensifying VUCA, complex, meta-crisis. It is also the theme of our next two issues.
This upcoming issue, like the past year, will be process-oriented, event-centered, and inquiry-based. With Emerge Austin, the Denizen retreat, WTF Integral, and the Constructing Consciousness events having occurred over the summer and into early autumn, a slew of one-on-one encounters, and the events in Ukraine and IEC happening earlier this year, there is much for us to collectively report back on. We will offer some of our own insights as an editorial in the upcoming issue.
In the meantime, we are curious, what does integral leadership mean to you? We are accepting academic articles, notes from the field, interviews, book reviews, and blog posts. We still have space in the upcoming winter solstice issue, for those of you who already have irons in the fire. Otherwise, we will be building on the same theme for the spring 2023 issue. December 14th is the deadline to make the Solstice issue, and March 31st for the summer issue. Please see our submission guidelines for more information.
Aside from papers, we are also calling for peer reviewers. Beginning with the summer 2023 issue, ILR Journal will be peer reviewed. At the same time, we will be launching an ILR Web Magazine to make sure we are expanding, not limiting, the scope of what we can publish. If you would like to serve as a peer reviewer, or know of someone you think would be a good fit, please let us know!
Finally, Integral Leadership Review is calling for collaborators. The renewed wave of in-person gatherings in 2022 indicates a strong desire to step up from communities of belonging (“find the others”) to organized and effective communities of transformation. We believe that the global transdisciplinary, integral diaspora, if working in concert, can make a difference in realizing the future of our butterfly civilization. It is our intention that ILR serve as a sort of mycorrhizal interstitium for this collective evolution. Thus, in 2023 ILR will begin a transformation from a journal to an ecosystem of organizations, products, and services. This will include a multimedia platform and publishing house, a coaching and consulting consortium, a research institute, an event production company, a foundation, a wisdom council, an affiliate program, an academy, and regenerative land projects. Please do not hesitate to contact us if any of these areas are of interest. We need you!
In gratitude,
Eric, Natasha, Jeremy and the Integral Leadership Team