Monthly Archives: May 2018

05/31 – Natasha Mantler

Letters to Russ / May 2018

It has been just over nine months since Russ passed. There is an immense hole in our lives. At his ocean ceremony in Monterrey California, I expressed how Russ helped me believe in humanity again. The absolute joy and love on his face when he looked at Jeannie, the love and kindness in his eyes when he looked into my soul, the gratitude, respectful love, and excitement he shared with Eric, blessed us so very much …

05/31 – We are back!

Leading Comments / May 2018

Thank you for joining me for the first issue of ILR for 2018. Many people have expressed their concern to me in the past seven months that our last issue would be the final issue. Here is my answer. Welcome to another great issue of ILR!


05/31 – Leadership: Why the Body Matters

Leadership Coaching Tips / May 2018

Jon Love

Leadership lives in the body. What I will attempt to lay out in this short piece is the notion that our access to producing the phenomenon recognized as “leadership” is first and foremost an embodied “way of being” that can be developed with practice.

So let’s start with a common understanding of what we mean when we say “leadership.” My definition starts with the idea that there are “leadership moments” in which one person’s …

05/31 – Interview with Otto Laske!

Fresh Perspective / May 2018

Robin Lincoln-Wood with Otto Laske

RLW: Good evening, Otto wonderful to finally meet you, even if it’s across the internet. This is Robin Wood interviewing Otto Laske about his work, and in particular, his deep-thinking framework and all the other manifestations of that work that we’ll be discussing in a minute. But before we start, I’d just like to ask you Otto, briefly tell us a bit about what got you into this space in the …

05/31 – Mindfulness Plus: Practices for Developing Street Smart Awareness and Inquiry-in-Action

Notes from the Field / May 2018

Jane Allen & Heidi Gutekunst

“We experience a world with great beauty and potential yet with too much stumbling and misuse of power, a world dominated by dysfunctional structures, fear and foregone potential.” 

(Allen and Gutekunst 12)


We need new ways of thinking, being and acting to deal with the opportunities and challenges we face in 2018 and beyond from the recurring mass-shootings in the USA, gender power dynamics, climate change, the development of Artificial …

05/31 – Volckmann

Leadership Quote / May 2018

“By continuing to use terms such as leader, leading, and leadership, as though they mean the same thing, we shall continue the confusion that has existed in not only the academic view of leading–leader–leadership, but in developing individuals to perform in leader roles and in developing human systems to support effective leading for sustainability, generativity, and thriving—a transdisciplinary imperative.”

Volckmann (2014). Generativity, Transdisciplinarity, and Integral Leadership. World Futures, 70(3-4), 248-265.…

05/31 – The Assessment and Development of Analytical and Systems Thinking Skills in the Work Environment

Feature Articles / May 2018

Maretha Prinsloo & Riana Prinsloo


Human survival is premised on the capacity to continuously ascribe meaning to stimuli and acting on these perspectives in order to achieve certain goals. This involves a full range of integrated cognitive processes referred to as, inter alia, thinking skills, intellectual functioning, reasoning, problem solving, perceptual frameworks, creativity and judgement.

Cognitive functioning is by no means a static “entity”: it is highly dynamic and can be influenced by a …

05/31 – Complexity: Identifying and Releasing Unnecessary Complexity in Next Generation Infrastructure Development

Feature Articles / May 2018

Bonnitta Roy

The ability to understand how complexity creeps into infrastructure development processes, enables leaders to identify, anticipate and avoid “solutions” that escalate systemic complexity and thereby increase systemic risk. Systemic risk in infrastructure development has local, regional and global impact that shows up as lack of accountability, skyrocketing costs, political instability, operational fragility, and developmental overshoot. Escalating systemic complexity severely limits our ability to achieve key targets of next generation infrastructure such as sensitivity to …

05/31 – Third Act In Life

Notes from the Field / May 2018

Edward J Kelly

 “When the facts change, I change my mind; what do you do sir”? John Milton Keynes

It is self-evident that each one of us is an individual and that as individuals we are impacted, directly or indirectly, by the organisations we are associated with. In turn, organisations and individuals are all enmeshed in a society of which they are part. Each is therefore inter-dependent; individuals on organisations, and organisations and individuals on society …