March 2008
Table of Contents
Leadership Cartoon
Leadership Cartoon: Bill Bates
Bill Bates
California Newspaper Publishers Award winner and two-time Pulitzer Prize Nominee Bill Bates produces weekly cartoons for the Carmel Pine Cone and political cartoons for the Monterey County Herald. Five-thousnd of his pen and ink drawings from 133 countries have been published in 28 Cruise Sketchbooks that include 14 Around The World Cruises. His latest book […]
Leading Comments
Leading Comments: Leader, Leader, Who is the Leader?
Russ Volckmann
As people around the world who are interested in the practice, development and theories of leadership, we face a dilemma. Well, maybe more than one. For example, how does it feel to be a part of a field of understanding with no agreement about what the field is about? Is it about management? Is it […]
Leadership Quote
Leadership Quote
“Leadership, simply put, raises our consciousness, because we cannot solve the problems and challenges we face with the same thinking that caused them. Leadership isn’t the propagation of our own ideas, constructs and theories, however complex they might be. It is the raising of consciousness—in body, mind and spirit—in self, culture and society. “Leadership involves […]
Leadership Coaching Tips
Leadership Coaching Tip(s)
Want to Lead More Successfully? Five Strategies for Upgrading to Centauric Leadership Timothy H. Warneka “Whatever happens to the body also happens to the mind. The sanity of the body is the sanity of the mind; the violation of the body is the violation of the mind.” —Thich Nhat Hanh Lead Your Organization Out of […]
Fresh Perspective
Fresh Perspectives: Leadership and Integral Consciousness: An Interview with Steve McIntosh
Russ Volckmann
Steve McIntosh is CEO of Now & Zen, Inc., and author of Integral Consciousness and the Future of Evolution: How the Integral Worldview is Transforming Politics, Culture and Spirituality (Paragon House, 2007). Russ: Steve, it is a wonderful opportunity to have the chance to talk with you. I’ve read your book and have been impressed by its […]
Dialogue: Integral Theory into Integral Action: Part 9
Mark Edwards and Russ Volckmann
In Part 8 of this dialogue Mark laid out six morphological categories of conceptual lenses. These categories are grouped according to their conceptual shape. The idea is that our explanations are deeply metaphorical and those metaphors can be categorized according to basic visual patterns. This is a kind of vision-logic at its most fundamental level of application. […]
Feature Articles
Feature Article: Integrative Leadership: Building a Foundation for Personal, Interpersonal and Organizational Success
Lillas M. Hatala
When you know what Integrative Leadership is all about, and commit to the Integrative Leadership path, you will find that illustrations of it can be found in all parts of your life. It nerve ceases to amaze me how it continues to enrich my life, and helps me learn about myself as a leader—and I […]
Feature Article: “Level 5 Leadership”: Leadership that Transforms Organizations and Creates Sustainable Results
Maureen Metcalf
Maureen Metcalf We have been hearing about “Level 5 Leadership” since Jim Collins’ book Good to Great became popular over 5 years ago. This book made the term “Level 5” a common phrase in business circles. While the term is often used, it is not often understood. Even worse, many people believe they understand what it is […]
Feature Article: Evolutionary Dynamics and Social Systems
Peggy Holman and Tom Atlee
 Peggy Holman and Tom Atlee A small but rapidly-growing number of people are taking the viewpoint that humanity has the potential to become “conscious evolution”. They believe that we are evolution becoming conscious of itself. These people constitute a science-based spiritual movement which has so far focused on (a) reframing major religions through the eyes […]
Feature Article: The Journeys of 2nd Tier Leaders Over Time
John Oliver
This article compares the long-term results of leadership case studies from four countries (Brazil, England, Denmark, USA). The long-term results are interpreted through the Integral lens, and the leaders compared against 2nd Tier values. Reference will be made to the Spiral Dynamics Stage perspectives and memes: Behaviour Type yellow: Tolerance of ambiguities, knowledge of assumptions. […]
Integral for the Masses
Integral For the Masses: Perpetual Change – The Integral Leader’s Challenge
Keith Bellamy
Whilst threatening to expose both how long in the tooth I am and my slightly warped musical tastes I have to admit that one of my favorite recordings of all time is The Yes Album by the band Yes (there was a clear thread of Zen influence on the Progressive Rock scene back in 1971 when it […]
Notes from the Field
Note from the field: Steve McIntosh and Carter Phipps Unplugged
Rafael Nasser
Steve McIntosh is the CEO and created Now & Zen’s brand aesthetic by combining the harmonic proportions of sacred geometry with motifs from traditional Japanese culture. This has resulted in product designs that have a timeless, universal appeal. Prior to the incorporation of Now & Zen, Inc. in 1995, Steve was Director of Corporate Development and […]
Leadership Emerging
Leadership Emerging
Russ Volckmann
Mario Fernando, Spiritual Leadership in the Entrepreneurial Business: A Multifaith Study. Northampton, MA, USA or Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2007. Globilization is not just a phenomenon of economics and business. We have long known that it is a phenomenon of culture, as well. The Integral Leadership Review seeks to be a leader in the globilization of […]
Book Reviews
Book Review: Integral Consciousness and the Future of Evolution: How the Integral Worldview is Transforming Politics, Culture and Spirituality
Matthew Kalman
Kalman’s Kosmos Steve McIntosh, Integral Consciousness and the Future of Evolution: How the Integral Worldview is Transforming Politics, Culture and Spirituality. St. Paul, MN, US A: Paragon House, 2007). This is a book some of your integral friends will probably already be reading. It aims to be both fully ‘Integral’, yet not Wilber-centric—indeed it even offers a critique […]
Russ Volckmann
Integral Leadership in Action 2008 Event is ON! Save the Dates!! In partnership with the Boulder Center for Integral Living ( in Boulder,Colorado! The 3rd Integral Leadership in Action Conference 2008 ILIA Collaborative: Leading from Goodness, Truth, and Beauty   Main Event: Thursday Eve October 9 through Sunday October 12 Featuring Steve McIntosh, author of Integral Consciousness and the […]
First Annual Reader’s Choice Award for Publications on Leadership
About the first of the year, the Integral Leadership Review invited readers to submit their nominations for the best publication on leadership in the year 2007. We received numerous responses. Remarkably and quite a surprise to us, with two exceptions all of the nominations were for one publication. Therefore, we are pleased to announce the publication identified […]
Russ Volckmann
Chris Laszlo, Sustainable Value: How the World’s Leading Companies Are Doing Well by Doing Good with a Foreword by Patrick J. Cescau, Group Chief Executive Office, Unilever, Stanford, CA, US A: Stanford University Press, 2008. Chris Laszlo has produced a truly remarkable book. I am so impressed that I hope every reader ofIntegral Leadership Review will find a way to […]