Danah Zohar, “SQ and Quantum Leadership”
Oxford, UK, February 16-21
(http://danahzohar.com/www2/?page_id=142 )
WHAT the Course Covers: teaching, dialogue, exercises, and course materials to guide participants in enhancing their own and their clients’ vision, values, motivations, sense of purpose and vocation, adding value to their personal lives and enabling them to become high SQ and Quantum Leaders within their organizations. Participants will become familiar with the 12 transformational principles of SQ:
- Self-Awareness – To know who you truly are, what you believe in, value, and what deeply motivates you;
- Vision & Value Led – Acting from principles, deep beliefs & living accordingly;
- Spontaneity – To live in and be responsive to the moment. Dropping the “baggage” of assumptions and conditioned thinking;
- Holistic – Ability to see larger patterns, relationships, connections. Sense of belonging to the whole, of knowing oneself as a whole;
- Field-Independent – To be able to stand against the crowd and follow your own convictions;
- Humility – Sense of being a player in a larger drama and true place in the world. Growing beyond arrogance and self-assertion;
- Ability to Reframe – Standing back from the situation/problem and seeing the bigger picture; seeing problems and opportunities in a wider, or new, context. Changing one’s paradigm;
- Ask Fundamental Questions – Need to understand things, to get to the bottom of them. Valuing good questions over necessarily finit and short-term answers;
- Celebration of Diversity – Regarding other people for their differences, not despite them. Opening oneself to others’ points of view;
- Positive Use of Adversity – Ability to learn from mistakes, grow and learn from setbacks and suffering, to turn problems into opportunities;
- Compassion – Quality of “feeling-with” and deep empathy. Knowing that you are not just your brother’s keeper; you are your brother;
- Sense of Vocation – To feel called upon to serve, to give something back, to leave the world a better place than you found it.
APPLICATION: Applicants should submit a brief description of themselves, professional activities and status, and reasons for wishing to take the course. Send this to bookings@totalintelligence.co.
1st Integral European Conference
From May 8-11th, 2014.
Budapest, Hungary
The first integral European conference IEC 2014 will take place in Budapest titled „The Emergence of Integral Consciousness in Europe“. It is hosted by Integral Europe, local host is the Integral Academy in Hungary. (www.integralacademy.eu). The team, Bence Ganti and Dennis Wittrock, is supported by the Spanish partner organisation Asociacion Integral Española, and the German Integrales Forum e.V.
The organisers are expecting 500 participants from all over Europe and the rest of the world, including ITC-organiser Mark Forman (Quote: „Watershed moment for Integral itself!“) and Terry Patten, who have both already announced their participation. As one of the first keynote speakers, the renowned adult development research scientist Dr. Susanne Cook-Greuter has already been determined.
The aim of the organisers is to bring together the entire European integral scene for the first time, to view and appreciate its potential. The corresponding “Call for Papers, Presentations, Workshops and Posters“ can be found on the conference’s website, as well as the site of Integral Europe. See you in Budapest!
Integral Europe: www.integraleurope.org
Conference Website: www.integraleuropeanconference.com
Eventpage on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/224011724413584/
European Society for Research in Adult Development
IV Symposium May 21-23, 2014 – Helsinki, Finland
The focus for this symposium is on expanded and exceptional capabilities that can be developed and improved throughout life. The aim of the meeting is to provide a forum for the exchange of research findings and new ideas on the theme of “What exceptional capabilities are needed for prospering in the 21st century?” We will examine adult development from various viewpoints, focusing especially on psychological development and opportunities and challenges in adulthood.
Special attention will be given to the challenges of the 21st century: which kinds of developmental competencies are needed now and in the future? How are these abilities fostered or trained in education? How do cognitive, emotional and social intelligence have to be integrated for successful adaptation to challenges, or is cognition enough? The Symposium includes empirical and theoretical presentations on a variety of topics relevant to positive adult development, including: stages, levels and other concepts connected to development; cognitive, socio-emotional, personality, biological-neurological development, wisdom, gero-transcendence, spirituality, psychotherapy and other topics which are closely involved in positive adult development.
For more information on the conference, accommodation and registration, go to: http://www.europeadultdevelopment.org/helsinki-2014.html
Conscious Capitalism 2014 to Focus on Building Fully Human Organizations
San Diego, April 9 – 11, 2014
Cultivate Practical Applications of the Principles of Conscious Capitalism
We are delighted that Dov Seidman, acclaimed author of How: Why How We Do Anything Means Everything, will kick off CC 2014 with his profound, research-based insights, and Raj Sisodia, co-Chairman of Conscious Capitalism, Inc. and co-author of best-selling Conscious Capitalism: Liberating the Heroic Spirit of Business, will close the first day of the gathering with a compelling case for Conscious Culture in business.
CC 2014 is designed for CEOs and their executive teams, executive team members and entrepreneurs, as well as consultants and coaches who serve and support them.
Emanuel University of Oradea
Oradea, Bihor Romania
May 15, 2014
Griffiths School of Management organizes the 5h edition of the Griffiths School of Management International Conference (GSMIC). The Conference provides a platform for academics and practitioners in the field of business and leadership to interact and debate on the different dimensions of ethics in business and leadership in the context of transdisciplinarity and knowledge based society.
Since the financial crisis crippled the world economy in 2008, the debate on business ethics and leadership has dominated the public
sphere at all levels of interest from common people to the elites in educational institutions, governments, businesses and NGO’s.
We hereby would like to invite research papers coming from researchers and practitioners around the world to explore the various
dimensions of these aspects. We welcome theory-based empirical studies grounded both in qualitative or quantitative methodology and
conceptual contributions.
Submission Details
Please submit your abstract of maximum 500 words in word or pdf to the following web-page
https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=2013gsmac by February 9, 2014, describing the purpose and orientation of the article and 5 KEY WORDS. Both the abstracts and full- papers must include: NAME and AFFILIATION of authors and should be written ONLY in English. The full papers should have a minimum length of 3.000 (three thousand) words and must be submitted in word or pdf to the following webpage
https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=2013gsmac no later than April 13, 2014. Authors will be notified regarding the
acceptance of their paper as a result of the review process no later than May 4th, 2014.
Submitted papers must comply with the STANDARD WRITING RULES of the Conference found at
All accepted and presented papers will be published in the conference proceedings, which is indexed in EBSCO and EconLit.
Assistance and Support
For assistance or other information write to gsmac@emanuel.ro