Joan Arnott
Joan Arnott, Executive Consultant / Facilitator / Interviewer / Listener
Joan Arnott specializes in facilitating deep reflective processes to serve leaders in clarifying historical / holistic / cultural perspectives, and opens space for creative pathways to emerge in leadership, business, education, and communities. Her work draws on 30 years of wisdom gathered as an executive / management consultant, as a leader / participant in global and community initiatives, and as a teacher / learner in a spiritual practice. She is also a research interviewer.
In 2003, Joan interviewed nominees and references for the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) $25,000 Temple Awards for Creative Altruism. Knowing well the power of story and reflection, she is still continually inspired by the events, synchronicities, and seemingly impossible situations that lead to shaping people’s altruistic work in the world. Being part of IONS as Community Group Coordinator from 2001 to 2010 provided Joan with ample opportunity for expanding world views and consciousness. This is also where she had an early introduction to the Pachamama Alliance global initiative to create the Awaken the Dreamer / Changing the Dream (ATD/CTD) Symposiums. Later, Joan became a certified ATD /CTD facilitator, convened a Symposium in her local area and was a team member for the delivery of several other symposia.
From 2003 to 2005, Joan was a facilitating member of a health care leadership team for the “Relationship Centered Health Care Dialogue Project”, an eighteen month pilot project developed by the Centre for Professional Health Care Providers, Vancouver, BC and funded by the Fetzer Institute, Kalamazoo, MI USA. A cross section of health professionals were engaged in examining the nature and importance of relationships in health care. The project emerged in response to a deep concern for the health and well being of health care professionals, especially during a period of the continuously escalating distress that permeated the whole (complex) provincial health care system.
The Dialogue Project had two facets. First, the dialogue groups focused on the nature of relationships in health care including the emotional / spiritual / social aspects of these relationships. Second, the examination took place in the context of a dialogue process, which provided a new model for exploration and deep reflection. Near the end of the project, a larger group of health care professionals met in dialogue and centered on questions that matter to the health and well being of health care professionals; issues of profound significance related to both the nature and integrity of their work and to the nature / concept of relationship centered health care in the province. A compelling body of research, information, and professional and personal experience / awareness, that pointed to the importance of relationship centered health care, was presented at the last large group dialogue held in April 2005.
In January 2005, Joan co-facilitated the Trustworthiness, Justice, and Forgiveness Track for the International Conference on Unity and Diversity in Religion and Culture, the eighth in a series organized by the UNESCO Chair on Comparative Studies of Spiritual Traditions, Their Specific Cultures and Interreligious Dialogue. The aim of this series of conferences: develop a “new paradigm of communication” and “a new way of understanding the problems facing humanity”. The focus of the 2005 conference: make significant progress in clarifying and resolving the fundamental psychological and philosophical issues underlying global conflict dynamics. The conference was held in Seattle, WA USA.
As a citizen, Joan engaged in the first year of intensive work with the Regional Vancouver Observatory Forum / UN–Habitat Global Urban Observatory Network between 2005 and 2006. She was instrumental in creating key indicators and leadership goals for Food Systems, one of eight focus areas studied to develop a new set of indicators for a Future Sustainable Vancouver Region. The findings were published and subsequently presented in a global context at the 2006 World Urban Forum 3 held in Vancouver, BC
In her local community, Joan provided 2 years of leadership direction for a project called ‘Building Welcoming Inclusive Neighbourhoods’’ (2009 -2011). A dialogue model, “Finding Home: How to Belong in a Changing World” acted as a bridge for engaging the community and created a way to bring voices of many immigrant Chinese and Korean adults and youth into dialogue (an intergenerational age span from 15 to 80 years). Participating youth provided translating services throughout the dialogue. Hearing the stories from a cultural perspective led to empathic responses and a better understanding of the real challenges (and courage) of finding home in a new country. Many beneficial outcomes followed including, creating new resources, educational posters for schools, libraries and around the community, and youth leadership development roles for schools and community engagement.
Joan’s early career focus evolved in all aspects of Human Resource Management and Development in large (5000 employees) and mid-size organizations. In these workplaces, she developed deep appreciation for the importance of listening and evoking multidisciplinary wisdom, and it is here where her longing for a holistic approach to work and life in organizations began. She later specialized in and facilitated individual and organizational transition and development projects for / with leaders and staff in health care facilities, government, the forest industry, and business to achieve both practical and visionary solutions.
In 1989, Joan decided to further develop her spiritual experience and awareness. For several years she engaged in a series of meditation classes and intensive spiritual development programs consisting of 1000 plus hours of study, practice and spiritual direction. She then applied for the Teacher Training Program and became a teacher of spiritual practice in 1992. Joan taught Spiritual Awareness & Meditation classes for several years and assisted with / taught in intensive spiritual development and teacher training programs between 1992 and 1998. Integrating spiritual energy awareness and presence brought the sacred dimension (which she had always carried with her) more fully alive in her life and work as an Executive Consultant.
An educational highlight was studying (1987 – 1988) at the Institute for Culture and Creation Spirituality (ICCS) California, with Brian Swimme and Matthew Fox focusing on cultural, spiritual, social & ecological issues. The program was designed to educate leaders for the emerging era of global interconnectivity, to evoke their creative capacities, and to provide a comprehensive vision necessary for participants to engage effectively in the immense transition that is happening in our time. This experience reshaped her consulting practice and continues to inspire and bring depth and wide view perspectives to her work in the world and an ear for the poetic voice.
Joan is currently an integral part of the Integral City Core Team. She was a member of the Integral City 2.0 Online 2012 Conference Team and is a graduate of the Spiral Dynamics integral Training. Integral City is an awesome vision and it is great honour to be part of a team manifesting this planetary endeavour.
To all her commitments, Joan brings a global, evolutionary, spiritual and practical perspective along with her wholehearted willingness, integrity, courage, and frontier experiences. All of her work is infused with a great love and respect for our beloved planet. Central in her life is a daily meditation practice, care of grandchildren, gardening in a community garden and learning to ‘think like a planet’.Joan grew up in Vancouver, B.C. Canada and currently lives with her family in South Surrey near the Canada / USA border.
JULY 2014
Joan Arnott
14882 25 Avenue
South Surrey, B.C.
V4P 1N8
604 536 5501