Tim Merry
I feel that our divisions point to our unity
The pieces that we uniquely
Most search for in our lives
Are our path
Each of us seeking that which will heal us
Bring us back into wholeness
And that is different for everyone
Under the moon and the sun
That is why it has so many names
Labels and claims
In so many cultures and to so many people
The particular thirst we have for fulfillment is unique to every person
The journey unique to every person
Perhaps the most personal thing there is
So personal
And universal
What unites us all
Is that hunger for fulfillment
And the life quest to find it
Not be blind to it
That’s why marketing is such a billion dollar industry
It assuages that thirst momentarily
Never satisfactorily
Never deeply
It never quenches it
So we move on to the next hit
Restless in our search for fulfillment
Somehow never quite taking a full cup which would give rest
It becomes a mess
Everyone searching for the truth
We have become confused – whose truth is the truth?
Whose language is the correct one?
Right and wrong has crept in …
And in the search for truth so pure at the beginnin’
Untruth has taken a hold
Truth has become bought and sold
Sought out in the antiquities of old
Or in future predictions
My conviction
Is that neither of those is real
Neither past or future can we feel
Life is not a debate
We are stuck in the now
There nowhere else to go
So we might as well get comfortable and go with the flow
We are made to feel
To feel
Is real
We are made to feel
Life is happening
Now, now, now, now, now, now, now. now, now, now, now, now, now …
Why question it
When we could rest in it
We wear inner peace and fulfillment well
It brings out the colour of our eyes – the only visible living cells
The windows to our souls
This Life
This bridge
Between the finite
And the infinite
Which is in me
This Life
In all
This life
A gift
To heal the rift
The living paradox
Which is wholeness
We are blessed
By every breath
By every breath
We are blessed
All we need to do
Is say thank you
Thank you
And live
From that gratitude
About the Author
Tim Merry of Mahone Bay, Nova Scotia is a change leader who works locally and internationally to support change in communities, organizations and society. Participatory engagement, strategic clarity & collaborative action are the core of his practice. They work in direct response to the reality of the world we live in.
Tim designs, delivers and trains processes that are tailor made to meet the needs of all the people involved. “The complexity of the challenges we face, the speed of change and the uncertainty of our times demand we see a bigger picture that none of us could see alone. We must work together to intelligently plan and effectively execute actions that have far reaching impact.”
www.timmerry.com // hello@timmerry.com