Dear MetaIntegral Community,
The moment many of you have been waiting for… The announcement of our next round of grant finalists.
But first, let me just say a few words about the process. We received a wide range of amazing proposals (24 to be exact) led by some incredible integral thinkers. As part of our selection process, these projects were presented to our F(o)unders Circle members where they were ranked. Then, they were vetted through a special seven-member grant selection committee. This review committee was comprised of Integral academics and practitioners who are leaders in their field, from multiple disciplines around the globe.
The committee was conscientious to create a diverse array of projects and leaders at various stages, and with multiple layers of depth and breadth. They wanted to create a robust portfolio of Integrally inspired projectsthat we feel you will be excited and proud to support. We had originally asked them to narrow it down to between 8 and 10, but there were so many well-deserving projects that it was difficult to choose.
At last, we are excited to announce 11 grant finalists. Both the Foundation and the selection committee feel confident these finalists are a strong representation of an impressive portfolio of Integral projects. We are excited to see them put into action!
The executive summaries of each of these projects will be publicized soon and made available on our website.
2016 Grant Finalists
Without further ado, here are the 2016 Grant Finalists:
- Caucus for Children’s Rights (CCR) led by Kate McAlpine
- Developmentally-Oriented Fundraising led by Jenny Jones
- Energy Futures Lab (EFL) led by Tamara Connell
- Homeless Services Leadership Training led by Heather Larkin
- Integral Economics led by Elizabeth Castillo
- Integral Nepal Project led by Shushant Shrestra & Gail Hochachka
- Let’s Drink Less by Half led by Riina Raudne
- PUP Global Heritage Consortium led by Jon Kohl
- SSU Core Leadership led by Mark Fabionar
- StageLens Text Analysis Research led by Tom Murray
- The Natural Design Navigator led by Mark R. Dekay
Join us today and BeIMPACT as together we support these Integral Pioneers!