Jeannie Carlisle
Jeannie Carlisle holds a BA and Masters in History from Arizona State University and a PhD in Interdisciplinary Studies with a primary focus on Ethical and Creative Leadership and a secondary focus on Public Policy and Social Issues. For many years Dr. Carlisle taught Geopolitical History, American Studies, and Ethics at Collins College in Phoenix Arizona, where she also served as Senior Lead Instructor, General Education and Academic Helpdesk officer. For the last ten years her scholarly energy has been directed to exploring Leadership in the Progressive Era. Her Master’s thesis in American Eugenics, The American Woman’s Crusade To Build A Better Race: The Impact Of Professional Women On Eugenics Policy, 1890–1940, laid a firm foundation of intellectual curiosity about leadership and public policy issues which resulted in her dissertation Imperial Cowboy: Theodore Roosevelt and the Militarization of America. Dr. Carlisle is a partner and associate publisher of Integral Publishers, associate editor of Integral Leadership Review, and editor of ILR Particles. She lives in Tucson, Arizona with her husband Russ and two cats, Bisbee and Clio.