In looking at our world with all its challenges in 2009 there are many opportunities for the better understanding of how “values” play a key role at all levels of our global society.
At one end of the spectrum there is the global financial crises as well as the possibility of the nations of the world adopting protectionist policies in order to protect employment levels at home. At another level there is the real risk of global instability caused by loss of employment as well the scramble for scarce resources in the developing world including water, land, education,health and reasonable housing.
Politics also needs to be reshaped as many citizens across the globe are raising their voices against corrupt and ineffective politicians who are only in politics for what they can take out. This is particularly true in the developing world where corrupt politicians are more often the norm rather than the exception.
What Values are Required in 2009 and Beyond?
We are currently experiencing a regression to the trend of more control and regulation of the global financial system by many governments around the world. This is a necessary step in ensuring confidence in the global economic system. At the same time over regulation can produce adverse effects that can adversely retard and hold back a reasonably rapid global recovery.
In order to ensure stability in global markets it is essential that countries around the world work constructively to ensure that measures put in place are effective. This will involve sensible regulation while at the same time ensure that the fruits of legitimate enterprise are rewarded. It is also important that with the increasing importance of emerging nations, such as Brazil, Russia, India and China, their voices are heard in the deliberations of global institutions. This means a more important role for the recently formed G20 grouping with the countries represented being given an important role to play in the shaping of the 21st Century global economy.
Equally, at the same time responsibility is another key issue, which is more than ever required of all countries. This will involve the new entrants to the “enlarged top table” behaving in a way that correctly reflects the required new global values. It will also require added responsibility from the emerging economies.
In order to ensure an integrated approach to the current global flux it is an absolute requirement that global leaders who understand the need for an integrated approach come to the fore. This is a unique opportunity to better ensure that the following issues are appropriately dealt with:
- Blue Order: An awareness that Order and Stability are the key components in building a secure global base for growth.
- Orange Enterprise: Positive approaches to globally sustainable growth based on free-market principles but with checks and balances.
- Green Environmental Issues: The understanding that the world as a whole needs new integrated approaches to environmental issues.
Strategically linking all of the above will go a long way to ensuring a more sustainable and better future for all the players in this global drama. In addition to the above issues a stronger stand is required on the following:
- Red Power: The global community will need to implement a more effective approach to global “hot spots” with particular reference to issues such as international terrorism, organized crime, and the drug trade.
There is little chance that an integrated approach will work without the full support of the developed nations in effectively tackling the issues of global terrorism and crime. This in turn will require the full commitment of all nations to funding effective agencies to tackle these issues on an ongoing long-term basis. It will also require a shift in values for many developing nations in a shift from Power Red to Blue Order .
What is also required is a deep understanding by the developed nations including China and Russia on how to handle the Tribal Purple andPower Red . Generally, developing countries such as those in the BRIC better understand these values, as they experience these at home on a daily basis.
However, these values are generally poorly understood and managed by the developed nations and Western style democracy is decades away from the values mix and current level of development of the developing world. These values move from the Collective to Individual values as set out by Dr. Don Beck in terms of Stratified Democracy (see graphic below).
In looking to the future, what is required is a significant values shift in terms of the global majority in Purple Tribal Order and Red Powerleaning towards the model of developed Blue Order and Orange Enterprise as otherwise it is predicted that we will continue to experience greater levels of unrest across the globe linked to the financial meltdown. There is however, a clear historical trend, which can be used by countries and regions as a template on how to move forward. (See graphic below.)
GVN Program for 2009
During 2009 the GVN Group will be focusing on the key global issues and linking these to how the emerging global values can assist in shaping the 21st Century. We live in a time of great challenge as well as great opportunity and believe that the role of values is pivotal in the emerging global map. Equally, in order to fully appreciate and understand the required global tapestry it is important to realize that there is no one quick fix. This is a process, which is part of the historical global mix as well as its emerging future. Countries and organizations that appreciate the opportunities are destined to be the global leaders in the future.
The GVN Group are in the process of compiling a “Global Values Handbook” which will provide real life examples of how different values influence our world. We anticipate this will be available later in the year. This book will include photographs and cartoons to illustrate different values in practice. We value your comments on these issues as well as highlighting real examples of how values work in practice. We look forward to your ongoing participation.
Alan Tonkin
Chairman: GVN Consulting Group