If you or your organization will be holding an event of interest to the readers of this eJournal, please submit your information toruss@integraleadershipreview.com. Information should be submitted sufficiently in advance to meet our publication dates.
Integral Review
Volume 2, 2006 has just published.
Table of Contents
Editorial Another Step: The Evolution of Integral Review, Jonathan Reams
Short Works
In Memoriam: Reinhard Fuhr, Thomas Jordan
It is I Who both Breaks and Binds, Andrew Campbell
Integrity, Integral Vision and the Search for Peace, Mark Gerzon
The Springs of Leadership, Nathan Harter
Passionate Winking; Avenues of Mysticism, Sayyed Mohsen Fatemi
A Transdisciplinary Mind: An Interview with Ian Mitroff, Russ Volckmann
Integrales Lernen in und von Organisationen, Wendelin Kupers
English Summary: Integral Learning in and of Organizations
Voegelin’s Ladder, Nathan Harter
More Perspectives, New Politics, New Life: How a Small Group Used The Integral Process For Working On Complex Issues, Sara Ross
Plain and Integral: An Interview with Karen Kho. Jonathan Reams
Le Peer to Peer: Vers un Nouveau ModËle de Civilization, Michel Bauwens
English Summary: Peer to Peer: Towards a New Model of Civilization
Extended Works
Perspectives on Troubled Interactions: What Happened When a Small Group Began to Address Its Community’s Adversarial Political Culture, Sara Ross
Collaborative Knowledge Building and Integral Theory: On Perspectives, Uncertainty, and Mutual Regard, Tom Murray http://integral-review.org
The Challenge of Otherness: Authority, Leadership and Organizational Life
August 4 – 9, 2006, Towson University, Towson, Maryland, USA (near Baltimore)
The purpose of the Conference is to create a temporary institution as a laboratory in which participants can experience and study group and institutional dynamics typical of organizations, broadly construed. The temporary institution thus created shares, at both practical and metaphoric levels, aspects of the larger social world in which we live, and insight gained is transferable to a wide variety of real world settings.
Sponsored by the Washington-Baltimore Center for the Study of Group Relations, an affiliate of the A.K. Rice Institute for the Study of Social Systems
Supporting co-sponsors: The Fielding Graduate University, Towson University Department of Psychology, The James MacGregor Burns Academy of Leadership, University of Maryland.
Registration, Room and Board (all inclusive): $1150 before June 21 or $1250 before July 21. Scholarships, group discounts & CEs available.http://wbcgrouprelations.org/RC2006/
Integral Sustainability: The Integral Framework, The Integral Advantage
September 11-15, 2006, Westminster, Colorado, USA
Registration: $2995; early-bird $500 discount by July 1, 2006 (scholarships available)
- Faculty:
- Ken Wilber, founder, Integral Institute
- David Johnston, founder, What’s Working
- Gil Friend, CEO, natural logic
- Barrett Brown, Co-Director, Integral Sustainability Center
- Cynthia McEwen, Co-Director, Integral Sustainability Center
- John Schmidt, CEO, Avastone Consulting
- Genpo Merzel Roshi, Zen Master
A breakthrough way to understand, manage and respond to complexity. The most comprehensive map of reality to date – encompassing the development of systems, culture, psychology, and behavior. A vital foundation for sophisticated design and implementation of sustainability initiatives, on any scale. The culmination of more than 30 years of research by Ken Wilber, the”Einstein of consciousness.”
- Coordinate authority, power, and influence and deliver full-group engagement toward sustainability.
- Achieve integration and alignment of sustainability by easily mapping major influences and organizing key knowledge
- Catalyze and support internal and external change in people and organizations
- Leverage the major forces that foster sustainability in systems, culture, and stakeholder psychology
- Deepen and strengthen personal capacities, such as wisdom, compassion, creativity, and skillful-means
- “Use of the Integral framework will only grow. It’s the future of international development.”
– Robertson Work, Principal Advisor,
Bureau for Development Policy, United Nations Development Programme
To register for this workshop, or for more information, contact:
http://www.integralinstitute.org or 1-866-483-0168
In the Netherlands…
Spiral Dynamics Experience:16 – 18 juni 2006, Winterswijk De Spiral Dynamics Experience is een uniek evenement waarin deelnemers aan den lijve ervaren hoe de verschillende waardensystemen in henzelf en anderen actief zijn. Zo wordt cognitief begrip geïntegreerd op het fysieke en emotionele niveau. Deze ervaring geeft een diepgaand inzicht in ontwikkeling van uzelf, anderen, teams en organisaties. De Spiral Dynamics Experience is ontwikkeld door Ruud Boxma (CruxQuest). Naast de door hem ontwikkelde spelvormen maken we ook gebruik van lichaamswerk en bieden we persoonlijke begeleiding. De volgende Experience vind plaats op 16 tot 18 juni in Centrum de Horst in Winterswijk. Deze training kan ook in-company worden aangeboden. Voor meer informatie zie www.artofleadership.nl
Spiral Dynamics Integral- 1st Ever European Confab
8 – 10 September, The Hague, Netherlands
Meet fellow SDi practitioners from all over Europe, and further afield (including the Middle East), to exchange stories of best practice in application, hear Dr Don Beck on latest developments, meet people from the global Center for Human Emergence constellation, dive deep into the theory with others who understand the language you speak, and experience the emerging Integral culture.
From Peter Merrys Engage/Interact homepage:
Spiral Dynamics Integral PeopleScan training (Level Two Certification). With Peter Merry and Auke van Nimwegen (in Dutch). 25 – 27 September 2006, De Pier, Scheveningen, The Netherlands: Get equipped with the latest assessment technologies to take SDi into practice, including the powerful CultureScan and new LeaderScan360. It’s about a lot more than technology.
Fielding Institute and Integral Institute
Santa Barbara, C A: Fielding Graduate University is offering a new certificate and concentration in Integral Studies through the Masters Degree in Organization Management and Development.
“Our program in Integral Studies is the first in America to offer academic credit toward a graduate degree (M.A.) and the only one to offer the convenience and worldwide network of distributed education,” said Dr. McClintock, Dean of Fielding’s School of Human and Organization Development.
The 36-week certificate program and the 21- month Masters Program will begin in fall, 2006. Courses are taught online in an interactive, intimate environment where students work in small groups. Opportunities to practice Integral techniques and apply Integral methods are included in the coursework. Courses are taught by Ph.D. faculty who have been trained in online facilitation at Fielding and are members of the staff at Integral University.
Students who enroll in either of these programs will
- Acquire a deep knowledge base in Integral Studies from faculty trained at the Integral Institute.
- Receive supervision in integral practice and methodology from experts in the field.
- Develop the ability to apply integral techniques to support personal and professional development.
- Earn academic credit toward a Master’s degree at Fielding.
Applications are being accepted now for review beginning in March. Applications are available at www.fielding.edu/hod/integral.
Founded in 1974, Fielding Graduate University, headquartered in Santa Barbara, CA, is a world-recognized leader in doctoral-level graduate education, having created one of the most successful graduate-level distributed learning models for mid-career adults. Fielding is an accredited, non-profit graduate university offering numerous programs within three schools: Psychology, Human and Organization Development, and Educational Leadership and Change. The Fielding community enables students to participate effectively from anywhere in the world and is dedicated to lifelong learning, social justice and change, and innovation in organizations, communities, and society. For more information, visitwww.fielding.edu.
The 8th Global Leadership Forum – The Challenges of Leadership
June 22-25, 2006— Istanbul, Turkey
- Leadership and Public Policy, nationally and internationally
- Leadership and new initiatives in the private sector
- Leadership in academic institutions, NGOs, and capacity building
- Leadership, management, and corporate social responsibility
About the Global Leadership Forum
Professor Adel Safty, the founding UNESCO Leadership Chair, founded the Global Leadership Forum to promote a multidisciplinary and multicultural conception of leadership, when he was Head of UN Mission in Amman, and Director of the UNU Leadership Academy in the 1990s. The Global Leadership Forum emphasizes an inclusive approach to leadership in the public policy arena, the private sector, inter-governmental and non-governmental organizations, in educational institutions, and in citizens’ associations. It seeks to promote Value Leadership by emphasizing the interconnectedness of peace, democracy and development, on the one hand, and the relationship between human development and leadership in whatever field, on the other hand. The GLF has been sponsored by the UN, the World Bank, the UNESCO, several governments, private sector corporations, and educational institutions, including the University of Bahcesehir; the Center for Creative Leadership, Greensboro, North Carolina, USA; and the International Partnership for Service-Learning and Leadership, New York. Over the years the GLF has brought together distinguished political leaders, senior representatives of inter-governmental organizations such as the UN and the World Bank, distinguished scholars of public policy and of management, corporate and business leaders, students, and representatives of various governments from all over the world, and members of civil society organizations.
- Speakers
- Dr. Linda Chisholm, Founder and Past President, The International Partnership for Service- Learning and Leadership, New York
- Dr. Leo Bruno, Former Vice-President of Samsung Brazil; Director, Center for Leadership Development, Dom Cabral Foundation, Brazil