R & D Invitation, July 2001
Thanks to those who have responded to the invitation to join an R&D project for about three months. I hope to get this started by the end of July. More information will follow.
We need to understand more about the relationship between the needs of executives and how coaching can support those needs. The Manchester Group has provided a report about this that is very useful. And I think we can do even better.
More specifically, I want to learn more about how the approach offered in A Leadership Opportunity: An Integral Approach can strengthen how development takes place with the support of coaches. This will include consideration of coaching in relation to
- business objectives
- purpose and commitment
- resources and competence
- teamwork and innovation
- engagement with stakeholders
You are invited to join in a 3-month (approximately) R&D process to explore these questions. Once every week or two I will send an email requesting input and/or feedback. In return, I will share all of the results with you.
Our first question will focus on the ways to define the business context of leaders from strategy to crisis.
Each member of my R&D team will receive a free copy of A Leadership Opportunity: An Integral Approach at some point in the process. The initial questions will be more generic, but you will receive the ebook in plenty of time to review it before we focus more specifically on what it offers.
Who am I looking for? I want individuals who have been or are executives or who have experience coaching executives in business. I would like to get 30 to participate, but I like the open space concept: whoever comes are the right people. I hope you will be one of those people. Just send an email toruss@integraleadershipreview.com and you will be contacted in the next new weeks.
> Russ Volckmann