Category Archives: April 2002


Coda / April 2002

I find John Maxwell’s newsletter, LeadershipWired to be a continuing source of interesting presentations. This particular article relates to the notion of commitment in relation to purpose.

Committing to the Commitment
By Dr. John C. Maxwell

At the age of 67, Thomas Edison watched as fire destroyed much of his work and equipment. Time to retire? Time to hang up the lab coat?

No way.

“All our mistakes are burned up,” the inventor said. “Now we can start anew.”

There …

A Fresh Perspective: Leadership A Conversation with Prasad Kaipa

Fresh Perspective / April 2002

Prasad Kaipa, based in Silicon Valley, is the CEO of SelfCorp Inc.— a company that focuses on aligning individual and organizational objectives. He is trained as a physicist who joined Apple in international marketing and then found his passion in Apple University. He has been a consultant to companies like Boeing, HP, Cisco, Xerox, Ford, and British Aerospace. His work has focused on executive development, executive coaching and approaches that draw out many aspects of his clients around leadership, personal

Leadership Coaching Tip

Leadership Coaching Tips / April 2002

When coaching executives who are encountering frustration with other leaders and collective activities like meetings, recognize that there are several levels related to those experiences. At the base is the way commitment engages with purpose through group membership, competence engages with resources in a leadership organization of contributors, innovation engages with inspiration through players on a team, and connection engages with leadership vitality as entrepreneurs promote a leadership enterprise. They are holarchic in that a weakness in one undermines experience

Feature Article: Engagement: Making It Real – Integral Leadership, Part 14

Feature Articles / April 2002

Engagement is the process of leadership in which the individual leader and collective leadership interact to achieve goals and build their leadership effectiveness. In engagement we can find the relationship between the individual acts of leaders and the collective acts of leadership in the organization and business. This is the realm of behavior.

For some years I have thought there is a parallel of leader behaviors with Bion’s functions in groups. (Wilfred R. Bion. Experiences in Groups. London: Tavistock …

Leadership Quote

Leadership Quote / April 2002

“…in the twenty-first century, a company of leaders is a competitive advantage. Indeed, in the business world of the twenty-first century, a company of leaders is arguably a necessity.” ~Gretchen M. Spreitzer and Robert E. Quinn, A Company of Leaders, 2001

Leading Comments

Leading Comments / April 2002


I am grateful to the more than 400 subscribers to Integral Leadership Review. Your support means that we can move closer to a way of viewing and being in the world that is integrative, generative and supportive of our evolving integrity–learning to align our theory and our action, our values and assumptions with achieving what is important to us. Also, I am grateful to the many kindnesses, suggestions and offers of support we have received.

The mission of this …