Category Archives: May 2002

Leadership Quote

Leadership Quote / May 2002

“The notion of the CEO as heroic leader is one that you’ve heard so often that you’ve probably come to believe it: The CEO is the company, a heroic leader who single-handedly steers the business to success.The problem with the notion of heroic leadership, of course, is not just that it’s preposterous on the face of it. It is also corrosive to the connection that needs to exist between a real leader and the people who make the company work.


Coda / May 2002

For there to be effective coaching with integral leaders, it follows that we need to develop an approach that is, itself, integral. Much of the writing that is about Integral Leadership, including the coaching tips, in The Integral Leadership Review is intended to guide leaders who wish to take an integral approach to their work, organizations and development. It is also intended to be the basis for integral coaching with these leaders.

In addition to the approach offered here, there …

A Fresh Perspective: Leadership A Conversation with Ralph Kilmann – April 15, 2002

Fresh Perspective / May 2002

Ralph Kilmann, may be best known for his contribution to the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Management instrument that is used widely in training programs and consulting. He has authored or co-authored prolifically beyond that, including titles such as Beyond the Quick Fix, Corporate Transformation, Managing Ego Energy and Gaining Control of the Corporate Culture. His consulting practice has included IBM, Ford, Kodak, Phillips, GE, GM and many others. He is George Love Professor of Organization and Management at the University of

Leading Comments

Leading Comments / May 2002


I am grateful to the more than 400 subscribers to Integral Leadership Review. Your support means that we can move closer to a way of viewing and being in the world that is integrative, generative and supportive of our evolving integrity…learning to align our theory and our action, our values and assumptions with achieving what is important to us. Also, I am grateful to the many kindnesses, suggestions and offers of support we have received.

The mission of this …

Feature Article: Leadership System Change: It’s an Evolutionary Process – Integral Leadership, Part 15

Feature Articles / May 2002

If you have been following this series of articles, you know that I have laid out an Integral Leadership model – of sorts. The “of sorts” is about the fact that it is one potential way of thinking about Integral Leadership. It is an approach that looks at leadership from the point of view of the people who are “in the system.” Particularly, it is a model that is descriptive, not prescriptive. Well, mostly not prescriptive.

If there is a …

Leadership Coaching Tip

Leadership Coaching Tips / May 2002

An implication of leadership system evolution being dependent on other sets of relationships is significant. When coaching executives who are struggling with leadership system change, direct their attention to the issues of self-management, attunement and engagement. These are where the leverage for changing the dynamics of leadership system evolution may be found.
And it is important to remember that the leadership system does not exist in a vacuum. Environmental factors (market, customers, investors, employees) also impact the capacity of the