Category Archives: November 2001

Leadership Quote

Leadership Quote / November 2001

“The whole concept of the all-knowing, omnipotent leader is over. Employees know this isn’t reality–and value a more candid dialogue.” ~Kate Lye, Smythe Dorward Lambert, MIT Sloan Management Review, Fall 2001”

Leading Comments

Leading Comments / November 2001


I am grateful for the three hundred and forty-five subscribers (as of this writing) to Leadership Opportunity. Your support means that we can move closer to a way of viewing and being in the world that is integrating, generative and supports our evolving integrity–learning to align our theory and our action. Also, I wish to express my gratitude to the many kindnesses, suggestions and offers of support LeadershipOpportunity has received.

The mission of this e-journal is to be a

Leadership Coaching Tip

Leadership Coaching Tips / November 2001

What are the kinds of questions that can be raised with a business leader when coaching them that relate to their role as entrepreneur? Be alert to their view of their role. Does it include this capacity for entrepreneurship? What are their critical stakeholder interfaces? How are conditions for stakeholders the same, changing? How do they know? Here is an arena where testing assumptions may be very important. What do they assume about stakeholder requirements and potential responses?
Many executives

Feature Article: Entrepreneurial Leadership

Feature Articles / November 2001

It is an error to consider entrepreneurship as a realm to be left to the start-up of new business entities. It certainly is that. And, as Pinchot recognized a couple of decades ago in his book, Intrapreneuring, the quality of entrepreneurship is important inside existing businesses. 3-M is well known for keeping the entrepreneurial spirit alive in new product development through internal practices of boundary crossing and celebrating the stories of the creators of post-its and other products.

Whatever we …