Category Archives: October 2004

Feature Article: Integral Scenarios and Leadership Development

Feature Articles / October 2004

Russ VolckmannWe are used to role-plays in leadership development. They are often useful methods for individuals to observe group dynamics and their own behavior in relation to that of others. What could be more full of potential for an integral perspective than that? I would like to suggest that scenario explorations offer even more potential.

In scenarios we do not construct an imaginary organization, an imaginary world or an imaginary role. We work with as much as we can of current …

Leading Comments

Leading Comments / October 2004

I am grateful to the more than 900 subscribers to Integral Leadership Review. Your support means that we can move closer to a way of viewing and being in the world that is integrative, generative and supportive of our evolving integrity – learning to align our theory and our action, our values and assumptions with achieving what is important to us. Also, I am grateful to the many kindnesses, suggestions and offers of support we have received.

The mission of …

CODA: The Integral ORGANIZATIONAL Leadership Workshop

Coda / October 2004

Fifty participants, a dozen staff and Ken Wilber– all of the makings of a truly unique learning experience as CEOs, coaches, consultants, academics mingled to explore this elusive topic of the application of integral theory and practice to leadership in organizations. Virtually everyone left feeling they had gotten something of value; some left feeling that the workshop fell short of the mark.

The facilitators, presenters and staff did a wonderful job of making sure that we had plenty to do …

Integral For the Masses

Integral for the Masses / October 2004

Senge, P., C. O. Scharmer, J. Jaworski, and B. S. Flowers. Presence: Human Purpose and the Field of the Future. Cambridge, M A: The Society for Organizational Learning, 2004.

Keith BellamyEvery now and then a book comes along that really shakes my tree. This is one of them. Constructed around C. Otto Sharmer’s “U” model of different levels of perception and change, the book builds on many sources, including interviews conducted with leaders in many fields, including business and science.


Leadership Quotes

Leadership Quote / October 2004

Effective executives as emergent property
Earl Mardle nails it. But so long as there is demand from insecure executives for rules they’re supposed to follow, there will be gurus to provide them with exactly that. ~Sébastien Paquet
“My kvetch about management gurus is that they observe patterns of behaviour in successful people,enterprises, etc. and then convert them into rules which other, less successful people or organisations are supposed to follow in order to be successful.
“[…] Instead of trying

A Fresh Perspective: Integral Coaching: A Conversation with James Flaherty

Fresh Perspective / October 2004

Q: I want to start with your interest in Integral. When I reviewed your book, Coaching: Evoking Excellence in Others, I found the domains of competence that include the “I, it, we.” You discuss intellect, emotion, will, context and soul. I was reminded of the holon and the notion of lines of development and wondered what were the sources of your thinking about coaching and in what way was it related to Wilber’s work?

A: I don’t think that …

Leadership Coaching Tip

Leadership Coaching Tips / October 2004

In leadership development through coaching we use a “what if” type of question to help leaders to tease out the implications of alternatives. That is a double-loop learning strategy– and a useful one. We can deepen the learning by moving to triple loop explorations. The use of scenarios as’what if” explorations also holds the possibility for exploring developmental levels according to different lines of development. Questions can be explored about knowledge, emotions, physical being and doing, relationships, spirit and so