Category Archives: Feature Articles

8/19 – Patterns for Navigating the Transition to a World in Energy Descent

Feature Articles / August-November 2015

David MacLeod


This paper considers current concerns about resource depletion (“energy descent”) and the unsustainability of current economic structures, which may indicate we are entering a new era signaled by the end of growth. Using the systems thinking tool of PatternDynamics™, developed by Tim Winton, this paper seeks to integrate multiple natural patterns in order to effectively impact these pressing challenges. Some of the Patterns considered include Energy, Transformity, Power, Pulse, Growth, and the polarities of Expansion/Contraction and Order/Chaos.…

8/19 – Exploring the Triple Impact of Evolutionary Co-leadership

Feature Articles / August-November 2015

Alain Gauthier


The purpose of this paper is to explore – from an integral perspective – what it means and what it takes to transcend and include individual leadership in moving toward evolutionary co-leadership, as well as the triple impact it can have – at the individual, group, and societal levels. There are profound shifts occurring across all sectors of society that have many leadership implications about what can be learned from the evolutionary perspective. These considerations lead to …

8/19 – Ancient Greek & Andean Ideas Can Be Integral and Useful to Sustain an Integral Economy Today

Issues / Feature Articles / August-November 2015

Giorgio Piacenza

Some ancient seminal ideas from previous Earth-respecting traditions – in spite of originating in largely pre-modern stage societies – are still essentially compatible TODAY with Integral Theory and with other integrative approaches. These are integral-level ideas embedded across time within the main cultural-social developmental stages. Apparently, many of these ideas did occur in agrarian economies like those of the Ancient Greeks and the Andean pre-Hispanic.

Economist Jorge Alberto Montoya Maquin, knowledgeable in Andean cosmology and traditions, studied …

6/16 – The Role of Language in Writing the Universe – Tentative Thoughts on Leadership*

Feature Articles / April - June 2015

Sahlan Momo


Bombastic! These are not thoughts these are stones, milestone of a human condition in which the self is both in itself and in the other. The other and the I, the eternal contenders turning partners to bear witness to a recovered unity. No longer the I and the Other, the other and the I, the other…  The other? Words.

Words made up of letters, of interrelated meanings, engaging in mental tours with no outcome. Words.

Words of subtle …

6/16 – On Bhaskarian and Laskean Dialectics

Feature Articles / April - June 2015

(In Memory of Roy Bhaskar 1944-2014)

Michael Schwartz

Roy Bhaskar, who passed away last fall, was a leading philosopher and meta-disciplinarian who founded the school of Critical Realism, an international academic movement encompassing many research domains, including an annual international conference, a peer-reviewed journal, and four active book series on Routledge press. Bhaskar himself wrote eleven books and edited many others, his philosophical itinerary now well documented. Starting out as a young man in economics in the 1960s, with emancipatory …

4/7 – An Integral Perspective of Peace Leadership

Feature Articles / April - June 2015

Whitney McIntyre Miller and Zachary Gabriel Green

Peace leadership is the mobilization of action for just change. When people are motivated to act individually and function collectively for the benefit of humanity and the planet, peace leadership is present. Central to peace leadership is a desire for inclusion and cohesion whereby individuals are enabled to live in liberty to their fullest potential, free from the oppression of powers who seek to wield dominance. Peace leadership therefore is focused on creating …

12/21 – Re-Visioning the Heroes Journey: A Story of Something Old, Something New

Feature Articles / August - November 2014

Ginger Grant


Whether they admit it or not, our organizations are in trouble and face an uncertain future. The world in which they operate is changing rapidly and fundamentally yet the majority of our current organizational leaders continue to be command-control driven and to operate in much the same way as they have done since taken the helm. Paradoxically, this organizational vulnerability is also occurring at a time when generational diversity has the potential to exert the greatest influence …

12/21 – Developing an Inclusive Perspective for a Diverse College: Inclusion = Diversity + Engagement

Feature Articles / August - November 2014

Cheryl Whitelaw

Abstract: This article describes a project at the NorQuest College Center for Intercultural Education to develop an inclusion model for a post-secondary, two-year college. Inclusion = Diversity + Engagement is a model for action based on the integration of Integral theory, particularly the all quadrants component of the AQAL model by Ken Wilber and the Developmental Model of Intercultural Sensitivity by Dr. Milton Bennett. The author views inclusion as a perspectival phenomenon, socially constructed; a culture of inclusion …

12/21 – Polarization, Conversation, and Collective Intelligence

Feature Articles / August - November 2014

Tom Atlee

Polarization is rooted in dichotomous thinking – binary, oppositional, polarized perspectives that have been with us for thousands of years.  The problems and insights presented by dichotomous thinking have been long recognized, along with transpolarizing perspectives that provide us with positive ways to appreciate dichotomy and deal with it and the false choices it often seems to present.

To demonstrate what I mean, here are a half-dozen examples I’ve encountered in my own work:

  • Taoism’s Taijitu (yin-yang) symbol

9/24 – Sustainable Cultures, Sustainable Planet: A Values System Perspective on Constructive Dialogue and Cooperative Action

Feature Articles / August - November 2014

Don Edward Beck

Dr. Don Beck
Dr. Don Beck

In the Beginning… 

Still fresh in my mind is a story from my youth, one often told by both teachers and clerics to dramatize the importance of people in whatever kind of world we were able to imagine. A youngster was given a puzzle that had a picture of the earth on one side and was asked to put it together as quickly as possible. The teacher was astounded that the young child completed