Category Archives: Feature Articles

4/29 – Between Non- and Post-Disciplinarity ?!

Feature Articles / April- June 2014

Perspectives on Integral Inter- and Trans-Disciplinary Re-Search

 Wendelin Küpers

“Your planet is very beautiful,” [said the little prince]. “Has it any oceans?”
“I couldn’t tell you,” said the geographer…
“But you are a geographer!”
“Exactly,” the geographer said. “But I am not an explorer. I haven’t a single
explorer on my planet. It is not the geographer who goes out to count the towns, the
rivers, the mountains, the seas, the oceans, and the deserts. The geographer is much

4/1 – Insights on 3-D Leadership Development and Enactment

Feature Articles / April- June 2014

Anouk Brack

Are you missing out on 75% of professional leadership potential?

Deploy the 3-D developmental strategy and transcend the limits of competence-based leadership development.

This article will describe what the next level in leadership development is and how to access it. Firstly, the strengths and limitations of the concept of competence building are explained. Then the two missing dimensions of leadership development are highlighted. This offers a 3-D view of the leaders’ developmental axes and unveils the larger unexpected …

4/1 – The Transdisciplinary Meme

Feature Articles / April- June 2014

Sue L.T. McGregor

This article introduces the idea of creating and spreading a transdisciplinarity meme (herein called the TDMeme). After defining meme, an overview of a recent attempt to meme map climate change will be shared (Karafiath & Brewer, 2013). Then, the model emerging from this memeatic strategy will be used to introduce the idea of a TDMeme. The TDMeme would help spread the idea of bringing a transdisciplinary approach to address the wicked problems facing humanity, of which …

4/1 – Foundation For Integral Self-Management: A ‘Working Hypothesis’

Feature Articles / April- June 2014

Robert Wayne Johnston

In an Integral Leadership Review article I articulated the importance of becoming a proficient integral self-manager as a prerequisite to effective integral leadership (Johnston 2010).  After much reflection about providing readers a theoretical foundation for integral self-management I decided on telling an original allegory (story) which would depict my foundational ‘working hypothesis’ in a narrative probably more interesting to you than a relatively dry academic treatise on my underlying philosophy.

While more cosmological in my frame of …

4/1 – Leadership and Complexity

Feature Articles / April- June 2014

Mike Kitson


“IT is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife;” so writes Jane Austin at the start of Pride and Prejudice.  In 1813 when this was first published there were many “truths” that would have been “universally acknowledged” as the philosophy of the age was generally centred on the premise that the world was pretty well ordered – as Robert Browning summarised

4/1 – The Adventures of Integral Consciousness in Russia: An Interview with Eugene Pustoshkin

Feature Articles / April- June 2014

Translated by Eugene Pustoshkin

Eugene Pustoshkin lives in St. Petersburg, Russia. He currently serves as the Chief Editor of Eros and Kosmos (see:, a recently founded Russian online magazine; he is also the Bureau Chief / Associate Editor for Russia at Integral Leadership Review. A few years ago he graduated as clinical psychologist from St. Petersburg State University. He translated several books by Ken Wilber and works of other Integral authors.

What follows is an interview that was

2/23 – A Case for Integral Developmental Psychology in Leadership Education: Perspectives from Teaching Integral and Transpersonal Psychologies on the Doctoral Programme of a Premiere African Business School

Feature Articles / January-February 2014

David Lipchitz and Paul Freinkel


Africa is experiencing unprecedented economic growth, and is gaining attention as an opportunity for international investment. At the same time brutal war, genocide, famine, rampant corruption, and ethnic violence remain fresh in African memories and current affairs. Understanding and navigating this complex business environment falls on business leaders who are often ill equipped to deal with, transcend, and heal trauma and ethnic conflict on personal and societal levels. Applied Personal Transformation (APT) was an

1/20 –Education as Development – Integral Transformative Vision for Africa

Feature Articles / January-February 2014

Oliver Ngodo 


Africa’s problems keep mounting, assuming greater complexity by day. Concerned individuals and groups seek solutions in their different areas of interest or specialization, thus being partial ab initio, with the result that their different perspectives are everything except holistic. Solutions proffered consequently differ greatly among scholars and practitioners on even the basic definition of what these problems are.

All around the continent, people look up to leadership for comfort, but this does not seem to be …

1/20 – Nelson Mandela – A Tribute

Feature Articles / January-February 2014

Chief Emeka Anyaoku

In the gallery of world statesmen of the twentieth century, Nelson Mandela occupies an exceptional position. His name will be forever linked with the struggle of the South African people to end apartheid, the coping stone of the racism and the injustices to which they had been subjected for so long.  However, this is not the heart of the matter. What sets Mandela apart in world history is the charity with which he led the struggle against …