Category Archives: Feature Articles

1/20 – What I Have Learned from Madiba

Feature Articles / January-February 2014

A Distinction Between the Best Leader Versus the Great Leader

Yene Assegid

Many of us are familiar with Lao Tzu’s quote: “A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves.” And yes, in ordinary situations, the best leader may well be the one that is barely visible on the stage. The best leader might be one that is in the background, supporting …

1/20 – Leadership in Sub-Saharan Africa and the Development Process

Feature Articles / January-February 2014

Israel R. Kabashiki


Purpose – This paper intends to explore leadership in sub-Saharan Africa.

Design/methodology/approach – The paper is based on ideas developed from reading editorials and articles on leadership in several journals. The study is also based on discoveries from a survey administered to some Africans to gather their perception about leadership in sub-African countries.

Findings – The study results are alarming. The study reports a lack of effective leadership in the region, a tension between political and …

11/27 – Metaphorical Knowing: Creating New Understandings and New Realities

Feature Articles / August-November 2013

Kim Hermanson

Rumi wrote, “Don’t look for me in a human shape.
I am inside your looking. No need
 for form with a love this strong.” To my mind, Rumi’s lines refer to the power that metaphors have on our ability to see the world around us. Metaphors are “inside our looking.” They don’t have a physical form (“don’t look for me in a human shape”) and our most primary metaphorical images come from something that has moved our hearts …

11/27 – Freedom to Learn: The New Meaning of American Dream

Feature Articles / August-November 2013

Alla Ratner

Alla Ratner
Alla Ratner


This article describes the benefits of spiritually empowered practice in business and beyond. Our company provides guidance to entrepreneurial leaders who come from Russia in the hopes of finding their business niche in the United States. We help these emerging Russian-American leaders to incorporate spiritual concepts in their development plans.

We share our journeys of searching for freedom and happiness with clients. Our clients learn by drawing from the experiences of how members of our …

11/27 – Shifting from Knowledge Power to Generative Inquiry: Creating the Field for Transformative Learning in Healthcare and Business

Feature Articles / August-November 2013

Nancy L. Southern, Jorge Taborga, and Mara Zabari


Our work in creating opportunities for transformative learning for individuals and organizations has surfaced a pattern that needs attention and consideration.  That pattern is an over reliance on knowledge power that keeps us focused on acquiring more information, often from experts, planning and strategizing based on that information, and taking action assuming that we have the information and knowledge needed. Learning for the most part is used as an adaptive rather …

10/26 – Evaluating Big Data Projects – Success and Failure Using an Integral Lens

Feature Articles / August-November 2013

Maureen Metcalf and James Brenza


This paper will evaluate “Big Data” project implementations through an integral lens and a transformation implementation lens to identify key success factors driving successful projects and also identifying what is missing in failed projects.  We selected “Big Data” projects because of their complexity and our belief that successful implementation requires effective leadership, an awareness of and alignment with culture and a strong process based approach to implementation. Big data projects are becoming more common …

10/ 26 – The Tribal Lesson: A New Route to Effective Teamwork

Feature Articles / August-November 2013

Michael J McEwan

After a couple of decades building and leading high-performing teams, and finding it took between 2 and 7 months to develop this level of performance, I decided there has to be a quicker way of doing this. I wanted people to go straight from meeting each other into behaving as a high-performance team. Taking an idea from my experience as a competitive fencer, integrated with a technique learned on a leadership-training course, I designed a way of …

09/17 – Searching for an Integral Vision: Light Bearers, Freedom Fighters and Prisoners in Premodern, Modern and Postmodern Times

Feature Articles / August-November 2013

Gerard Bruitzman

God became man so that man might become God.
– Saint Athanasius, Saint Augustine, Saint Cyril of
Alexandria, Meister Eckhart, Jacob Boehme, and many
others (W Perry, 2008, p. 23)

You see yourself as the drop in the ocean, but you are also the ocean in the drop.
– Rumi (online)

I have lived for nearly sixty years now. I remember the Roman Catholic Church in my early childhood before the Second Vatican Council (1962-65), when the Holy …

09/17 – Marriage of Sense and Soul: Embodying Integral Leadership in the City 2.0

Feature Articles / August-November 2013

Brian McConnell

Abstract: Identified as a facet of psychosocial experience in something Ken Wilber has termed dissociation, this article looks at similarly related phenomenology as recounted by various others in apportioning its pathological effects across a broad swath of global consciousness.  Advocating contemplative practice as a mode for translating theory to application, the article also shows how urban practitioners are initiating communities (CoP) to localize socioeconomic innovation.


Calling for an adoption of contemplative practice, Ken Wilber explains in …

09/17 – An Integral Catholic Leader: Father Anthony de Mello, SJ

Feature Articles / August-November 2013

Giorgio Piacenza Cabrera


Father Anthony de Mello SJ is considered one of the foremost mystical theologians of the late Twentieth Century. His simple and direct approach to life continues to untie all kinds of blockages preventing man’s acceptance of his spiritual nature, even decades after his unexpected death. De Mello’s radiated authenticity, love for all and his characteristic laughter tended to disarm any negative preconceived notions against his ideas. As far as my research goes, I’d say that most …