Category Archives: Feature Articles

Epoch of Transformation: Towards a Practice of Interpersonal Leadership: Part 2

Feature Articles / October 2012

Nick Ross

No, my heart is not asleep.
It is awake, wide awake.
Not asleep, not dreaming—
its eyes are opened wide
watching distant signals, listening
on the rim of vast silence

Antonio Machado

Here is my secret. It is very simple.
It is only with the heart that one sees clearly.
What is essential is invisible to the eye

Antoine de St Exupery


In his first paper Nick Ross presented a model of interpersonal leadership that highlighted the …


Feature Articles / October 2012

Michel Saloff-Coste

After thirty glorious years crashing in the late 70s on the first oil shock, we had 30 years during which we have sunk deeper and deeper into economic, social and ecological crisis. Economic demography stumbles because we are already on the limits of the planet. We know this, in part, because social inequalities are now back to what they were in the nineteenth century. Also, the ecology has undermined biodiversity and accelerated global warming. Right in the desire …

Leadership to the Power of 8: Leading Self, Others, Organization, System and Supra-System

Feature Articles / October 2012

Marilyn Hamilton


This article explores the qualities of leadership to the “Power of 8”. It offers a definition of leadership that can be recalibrated across a spectrum of complexity. It proposes the integral paradigm as a source for framing, measuring, mapping and tracking leadership across four levels of complexity. The article examines evidence from three sets of leaders at three progressively more complex levels of leadership, considering their capacities related to moral influence, space and time, within the contexts …

“Game is Over. You are Enlightened.”

Feature Articles / October 2012

Warning: The following narrative is psychoactive. It has been designed to disclose what is already here. If it discloses more than that, the reader is encouraged to ignore the excess. The author takes full responsibility for the consequences of this narrative. Nonetheless the reader will find things different after this reading and who is really responsible won’t be of interest then.

 Tom Christensen

Old Man On The Mountain, what am I to do about this ILR piece? “Write it.” What

Integral Coaching as a Tool for Transformational Change

Feature Articles / October 2012

Marina Danilova

This article outlines general provisions, which form the basis of integral coaching, as well as its methodology. It will give you a general idea of changes that an adult undergoes, and the role and content of the help that a coach provides to his client in the course of these changes. The key points are supported by real-life examples from my practice, but those examples are represented not in full and at times even superficially to merely illustrate …

Nelson Mandela and Unitive Leadership

Feature Articles / August 2012

Shawn O’Fallon


Nelson Mandela has become one of the most revered and recognized leaders in history. He is widely recognized for his forgiveness, compassion and humility and their considerable effects on his leadership and the success of anti-apartheid. Yet, surprisingly little deep analysis of Mandela’s leadership exists today.

Analysis of Nelson Mandela’s language and behavior using ego development theory suggests Mandela had reached a stage of unitive development. While Mandela was and is an exceptionally rare unitive leader, it …

Integral Innovation & Creativity

Feature Articles / August 2012

Tom Bruno-Magdich

Most people in business today understand that organisations must embrace change and creativity in order to stay competitive in this ever shifting, global marketplace. The good news is every company that employs human beings has all the resources they need to help them innovate.  It’s their people stupid!

Our experience working with a large number of global companies has shown us that everyone in an organisation has the ability to think creatively about common day-to-day challenges. We have …

Living Through Four Eras of Cognitive Development

Feature Articles / August 2012

Otto Laske


In this paper, I outline the graspable existential meaning of human cognitive development. By “existential” I refer not simply to the epistemological positioning of a person to the world as a knower, but the conceptual forces of the social world itself in which this positioning occurs. This world is suffused in language and is the context in which concepts are constantly being created and modified. As a result of this social process, individuals “develop” their own thinking, …

Three Assumptions Underlying Integral Leaders’ Choices of Power

Feature Articles / August 2012

Robert Wayne Johnston

It is no mystery we learn, for better or worse, more or less consciously and unconsciously, through our communications with other entities. These include communications with other humans, one’s spirit guide, other animals, our planet, and our cosmos — in every situation we find ourselves “learning in the laboratory of life.” Our inter-entity communications appear based on mainly three sets of alternative assumptions each of us may have about the power of others we meet in various …

Metagogy: Teaching, Learning and Leading for the Second Tier

Feature Articles / August 2012

Mark L. McCaslin and Karen Wilson Scott

Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence.
~Albert Einstein

As we observe the mantle of instructor flow from student to student in an open pattern governed solely by the will of the members of this learning community, my colleague and co-potentiator provides this synergistic group with another question that …