Category Archives: Feature Articles

Featured Article: Leading in Uncertain Times: Leadership Characteristics of the Self-Transforming Mind

Feature Articles / March 2011

Camden C. Danielson

Do you know your people?  And do you love them?

Mother Teresa
Address to Indian HR Executives

The global environment is increasing the degree of complexity for organizations operating anywhere in the world. With it arises the need for a different kind of inquiry operating within our lives and organizations. The requirement for greater openness to uncertainty will challenge our sense of purpose, identity, and self-efficacy.  The founder of analytical psychology, Carl Jung, noted:

“The definiteness and …

Featured Article: Transcendent leadership: Pathway to global sustainability

Feature Articles / March 2011

John Jacob Zucker Gardiner

Paper presented at the first Working Collaboratively for Sustainability
International Conference,
Seattle University, Seattle, Washington, April 12, 2009.


Global sustainability – social, economic, and environmental—is best served by an emergent leadership metaphor that serves the triple bottom lines of profits, people, and planet of the 21st century global corporation: transcendent leadership. Introduced as a global imperative at the 2007 World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, Switzerland (Useem, 2007, pp. 1-2), transcendent leadership had been …

Feature Article: Transdisciplinarity in Higher Education, Part 5

Feature Articles / March 2011

Sustainability through Transdisciplinarity and Integrality: Institute for Sustainable Futures, the University of Technology, Sydney Australia

Russ Volckmann and Sue L.T.McGregor

We have been exploring “academic” programs in transdisciplinarity for about one year. It may be a mistake to refer to them as “academic,” because one of the features of these programs is that they are designed to transcend and include academic disciplines, as well as the university and the world around it. One of the key elements of these programs …

Feature Article: An Integral Approach to Project Management

Feature Articles / March 2011

Brad McManus & Ron Cacioppe



Projects are an important management approach to improving organisational effectiveness. This paper describes how project management can contribute to achievement of an organisation’s strategy and sustainable success by adopting a more holistic, ‘integral’ approach to a project and the leadership of people during the stages of a project. An integral four quadrant framework for project management is presented that includes a practical and comprehensive approach to change management.  The levels of project excellence …

Featured Article: Organisations, AQAL, and the Global Context

Feature Articles / March 2011

John M. Bunzl

There has hardly been an epoch in which organisations played a more prominent role than our own. Be they governments, businesses or non-governmental organisations (NGOs), all of them deeply affect our lives and society as a whole. Moreover, at this time of deepening global crisis and change, understanding the systemic ways organisations impact on society and the natural environment is becoming critically important.

From the perspective of Ken Wilber’s integral theory, it is the leadership of organisations …

Featured Article: Demystifying Transdisciplinary Ontology: Multiple Levels of Reality and the Hidden Third

Feature Articles / March 2011

Sue L. T. McGregor

Acknowledgement: Sincere gratitude to Professor Basarab Nicolescu (President of International Center for Transdisciplinary Research, CIRET) for vetting a draft of this paper, and for being such a gracious and patient TD-mentor.

This paper is about transdisciplinary (TD) methodology, especially TD ontology. Methodology is a branch of knowledge that deals with the general principles or axioms of the generation of new knowledge: epistemology, ontology, logic and axiology (Ponterotto, 2005). The methodology determines the research questions, theories …

Featured Article: The Integral Self System Model and Sustainable Leadership

Feature Articles / January 2011

S. Suresh Kumar


Self system models have a great bearing on our personality, perceptions and personal leadership abilities and approaches. The usual models are contingent on subjective systems based on a localized self awareness and sense of the self as bodily consciousness with its limitations. This inevitably reflects on our leadership styles and self development and management profiles. Studies in cognitive sciences and psychology reveal that the localized self is a virtual entity formed as part of our learning …

Feature Article: Unraveling the DNA of Bharti Airtel

Feature Articles / January 2011

Anil Nayar

Editors Note: In the early nineties, India went through a liberalization of its economy. The era of government controls and large Public sector investments gave way to an encouragement of private equity and foreign investment. Bharthi Airtel is a spectacular success of this era. The reader will notice how Sunil Mittal has been able to maintain a strong red orientation to the environment, and an orange collaborative interface with vendors and partners while anchoring the internal team in

Feature Article: Exploring What Is Indian: A Parable and a Discussion

Feature Articles / January 2011

Raghu Ananthanarayanan

A Parable:

A young woman had committed suicide. She was the daughter of a respected village elder. It was an open secret that this girl was in love with a boy who belonged to a lower caste, but who was educated and lived in the “city.” He held a good job.

The village local Governing Body (Panchayat) sat together to decide what to do. The first decision they made was not to bring the Government process, i.e., …

Feature Article: ‘Koodam’ – Breaking Hierarchy, Building Democracy!

Feature Articles / January 2011

V. Suresh and Pradip Prabhu

The editor’s comments: The Koodam represents one of the most successful applications of second tier thinking that I have come across. The authors of this paper have worked with tribal issues in the hinterland of India. They have had to face police repression on a few occasions. The personal courage they have shown is exemplary. They are also deeply spiritual people with long years of practice in meditation. When this is combined with thought