Category Archives: Feature Articles

Featured Article: The Tensegrity Mandala: A Model for Organization Design

Feature Articles / January 2011

Gagandeep Singh


This article takes a close hard look at Organization Design. We asked ourselves, why should we write about Organization Design amidst times when managers all across the world, are facing unnerving dilemmas and painful transitions, as they struggle to respond to a global downturn, under a looming threat of a possible collapse of western capitalism.

We believe that many of these dilemmas that leadership confront today were seeded a long time ago in the way organizations have …

Feature Article: ‘Amirtasya Putraha’ (Children of Immortal Bliss) Rejoice being ‘Slumdog Millionaire’?

Feature Articles / January 2011

O. B. Ramasubramanian

Editors Note:The dawn of Independence in India also saw the breakdown of a dialogue between the believers in the Nehruvian Model of development and the Gandhian. What is visible today is the economic growth of India.  However, with the global crises accelerating, the Gandhian perspectives of development and growth are becoming recognized as a possible long term solution while the negative fall outs of the Nehruvian Model that many see as the continuation of the colonial

Featured Article: How to Win the Hearts and the Heads of CEOs

Feature Articles / January 2011

R. Sridhar

Editors Note: This paper narrates the authors excitement in being able to find a convergence between his Orange Organizational Identity and his yearning to merge his Purple and Blue selves that don’t find expression in the business context. The Indian mind has been both luaded and criticised for being very flexible. What is not often understood is that a Green and Yellow underpinning that impacts the BLUE-purple form of Indian society. The average

Featured Article: Telos – A Consciousness Based Perspective

Feature Articles / January 2011

Manoj Pavitran in collaboration with Arul Dev


Telos is a model of consciousness and its evolutionary journey, based on the pioneering work of Sri Aurobindo1, a philosopher yogi and well known spiritual master of India who articulated an integral perspective nearly a century ago. Telos has in focus the evolutionary transformation of the individual who is the agent of change in groups in the context of a global evolutionary transformation, a core theme in Sri Aurobindo’s work.


Feature Articles / June 2010

Transdisciplinarity in Higher Education
The Path of Arizona State University

by Sue McGregor and Russ Volckmann

This is the second article in a five-part series about transdisciplinarity (TD) in higher education. In an attempt to profile universities on a journey towards transdisciplinarity, we are starting with Arizona State University (ASU), a major and growing American university. Its president, Michael Crow, has billed ASU as a model for the New American University. ASU has created a powerful video of its vision …


Feature Articles / June 2010

Four Quadrant Coaching:
A Conversation with Myles Downey
by Debby Hallett

hallettmylesI first came across Myles Downey while I was in coach training, and someone recommended his book, Effective Coaching, Lessons from the Coach’s Coach, as one of the best they had read.

Myles often refers to a coachee as a “player,” as in “you are the player in your game of life”. This reflects his roots in Tim Gallwey’s Inner Game, where the job of the coach is to …


Feature Articles / June 2010

Frame Breaking Leadership

by Keith Merron

The concept of a paradigm is no longer new in organizational parlance. It is, in fact, quite commonplace to talk about paradigms and the importance of shifting paradigms in shaping an organization and keeping it fresh and alive. However, talking about and acting are two different things. Many leaders can talk about the importance of shifting paradigms, but few leaders truly know how to lead in a way that a shift occurs.

For three …


Feature Articles / June 2010

Integrally-informed Management Development:
the Art of the Gentle Nudge
by Pierre A. Gauthier


An ongoing challenge for Integral Theorists remains the practical application of Integral Theory in the world around them. The ideas and models they produce and discuss amongst themselves do occasionally translate into integrally-informed policies, programs and real-life development, but often only after a painful birthing process. In my work as a management training specialist in the Public Sector, I have experienced many of the challenges of …


Feature Articles / June 2010

The Story of Jill–
How an Individual Leader Developed into a “Level 5” Leader

by Maureen Metcalf & Dena Paluck

We continue to see Jim Collins book Good to Great at the top of the business best seller list. This book talks about the importance of “Level 5 Leadership” in organizational transformation from good to great. Collins talks about this as a concept but the overall topic of the book is how to move a company forward, not how to …


Feature Articles / June 2010

Q&A Session with Ken Wilber
In his loft in Denver, March 4th, 2010

Questions created among the Spanish Integral Community

Interview Transcribed by Raquel Torrent,
President of Honor of the Spanish Integral Association

Raquel: How do you feel Ken? Talk to us about your health.

Ken: Well, you know I have a chronic fatigue syndrome. It’s an immune disease where cells lose the capacity to generate protein. It’s so debilitating. At this time we just can’t do anything. Doctors don’t …