Category Archives: Feature Articles

So, How Sustainable Are We? Leadership and the Pathway to Abundance

Feature Articles / January 2010

by Zack Smith and Chad Stewart


Setting the Context for Leadership: Sustainability and Abundance

When Sustainability is Unsustainable

There is a lot of buzz about being “green” and acting “sustainably” these days. Unfortunately, a great deal of it seems to be just that: Buzzing. Not to say people are not trying or lack commitment. Many community, organizational and governmental leaders are genuinely concerned and are trying to address social, economic and environmental challenges through a dizzying myriad of initiatives focusing …


Feature Articles / January 2010

The Future of Strategic Leader Development at the U.S. Army War College
Col. Susan R. Myers and Jeff Groh


This case study describes the design and implementation of the resident and distance education programs at the U.S. Army War College that prepares senior military officers and civilians to assume strategic leadership responsibilities. Development of conceptual, interpersonal, and technical competencies in a collaborative and experiential learning environment contributes to the ability of leaders to contend with future complex strategic issues. …

Feature Article: The Power of One: How Influential Business Executives Transform and Lead into a Sustainable Future

Feature Articles / October 2009

mariana Bozesan

mariana bozesanAbstract: This paper highlights the major collective and individual threats faced by humanity today and argues that money alone will not provide the desired relief. Instead, it contends that only sustainable solutions that consider all life perspectives and are rooted in higher levels of consciousness can succeed. After introducing Wilber’s Integral Framework as a theoretical foundation for this kind of sustainability, the paper emphasizes the importance of leaders and leadership. It presents leading edge research performed with …

Feature Article: Identifying within-level differences in leadership decision making

Feature Articles / October 2009

Theo Dawson and Katie Heikkinen

Theo DawsonKatie Heikkinen


In a previous article (Stein and Heikkinen, 2008), we described how the Lectical Assessment System (LAS) and other aspects of developmental maieutics (Dawson & Stein, 2008) relate to the integral model. Here, we describe how the LAS can be used to reveal within-level differences between persons—differences that have important implications for the kind of learning interventions that are most likely to support individual development. We argue that assessments based on independent examinations of structure …

Feature Article: Emerging Patterns in the Middle East – The Thirty Year Itch for Lebanon and Iran

Feature Articles / October 2009

Elza S. Maalouf

Elza MaaloufMy first year of Law School in Lebanon, was a year to remember. I recall the heated political discussions I had with Shia students and professors alike over many long hours ranging from discussing the merits of Marxism to laws on women’s rights in Lebanon and the role religion plays in law. These same students who I played tennis with would return the following year with the trademark Islamist beard and buttoned-up white shirt and refused to …

Featured Article: What Sets True Leaders Apart?

Feature Articles / October 2009

Yene Assegid

yene assegid
Vision is part of the attributes we associate with great leaders and one of the key faculties of great leadership. It refers to the leader’s capacity to see ahead and envision what the future could potentially hold or what opportunities lay ahead and defines the reality where the leader wants to take her community. Vision allows the leader to adjust her strategies and actions, today, so that she could tap into the opportunities that she has foreseen. But, …

Feature Article: Change and Crisis in Dialectical Thinking: On the Need to Think Again When Getting Involved with Change

Feature Articles / October 2009

Otto Laske

otto laskeAbstract

I explore the concepts of “change” and “crisis” in order to put issues important in the current recession into perspective from the point of view of Western dialecticism, including what we know empirically about adult cognitive development. Specifically, I detail the diffraction of dialectic into three moments and show that they need to be coordinated to grasp change in transformational systems. In conclusion, I briefly relate these thoughts to present organizational problems and leadership development programs. I …

Feature Article: The Cybernetics of Crisis and the Challenge of Sustainability

Feature Articles / October 2009

An audio (mp3) interview with this author is available by sending an email to

Background – A Personal Notemichael ben-eli

The “Crisis” essay which follows, is the text version of an invited presentation delivered, in Switzerland, earlier this spring, at a meeting called to discuss the world financial crisis. The venue, the Cwarel Isaf Forum at the Malik Management Center in St. Gallen, was of particular significance for me since it evoked the work and spirit of two great …

Feature Article: Transdisciplinarity As An Interactive Method: A Critical Reflection On The Three Pillars Of Transdisciplinarity

Feature Articles / October 2009

Predrag CicovakiWe are witnessing, I am convinced, the first stages of a new and extremely promising revolution. This movement promotes a new approach to human knowledge—ranging from and including natural sciences, social sciences and humanities—and, indeed, a new approach to humanity in general. The temporary name of this revolution is “transdisciplinarity,” and one of its most important pioneers and champions is the quantum physicist Basarab Nicolescu. As the author of La Transdisciplinarité, the initial manifesto of the transdisciplinary movement, he continues

Feature Article: It’s Time for the Bottom Line to Get a Little Bigger

Feature Articles / October 2009

Kristoffer E. Nelson

Kristoffer NelsonAs I’ve discussed recently in my blog Integral Business, the future of sustainable, profitable and socially responsible companies rest well beyond what is now commonly referred to as “triple bottom line” organizations. Indeed an evolutionary step, achieving a triple bottom line status is a great challenge that inspires great merit—it’s a huge accomplishment. And, we need more.

There is a lot of talk in the business world, especially the post-modern business world of value and vision, about …