Category Archives: Feature Articles

Feature Article: Going Nowhere Fast? Simulations and the Future of Leadership Development

Feature Articles / August 2009

denticoLeadership development is going nowhere fast is the chief finding of Development Dimensions International (DDI) 2008/2009 Global Leadership Forecast where 1493 HR professionals and 12,208 international leaders from 76 countries were interviewed. The two most cited reasons for why leaders fail were leadership and interpersonal skills 19% and strategic visionary skills 19%. What makes this finding even more amazing is that seventy-five (75) percent of the executives surveyed identified improving or leveraging leadership talent as a top business priority. Additionally,

Feature Article: The Evolutionary Outrider

Feature Articles / August 2009

david loyeIn The Evolutionary Outrider: The Impact of the Human Agent on Evolution, in 1998 I introduced the concept of the evolutionary outrider. The term was meant to capture the situation of those who boldly scout on ahead of us to explore potentially revolutionary as well as evolutionary prospects for a better future. These evolutionary outriders, I see now, are of two kinds.

One set is of the theorists, who seek to better understand, and teach, and thereby help guide evolution …

Featured Article: Releasing the Potential of Integral Values

Feature Articles / August 2009

“Your values become your destiny.”

Mahatma Gandhi

mick quinnThe 2009 State of the World Forum is being held in Washington, D.C. early next year (2010). This momentous event is using an integral framework to bring together the different aspects of how we evaluate information and make decisions. The website states that these aspects fall into four quadrants:

  1. our personal values,
  2. our cultural values,
  3. our personal actions, and
  4. our collective actions.

The State of the World Forum site continues: These four aspects …

Feature Article: Integral Music: Evolution in Action

Feature Articles / August 2009

Integral Music: Evolution in Action
Jessica Roemischer


jessica RoemischerMusic is arguably a more essential means of human expression than language. Over the course of history music has evolved to communicate an increasingly wide spectrum of experience: isolation, fear of death, dreams of paradise, religious devotion, unrequited love, spiritual yearning, romantic fulfillment, national pride, mystical union, calls to battle, personal desperation, the longing for freedom, counterculture revolt, the steadfastness of tradition, the joy of belonging.

This article is based on recent …

Feature Article: Learning the Lessons of Systems Thinking: Exploring the Gap between Thinking and Leadership

Feature Articles / August 2009

peter jonesWeatherhead School of Management professor, Fred Collopy, penned a provocative piece in June 2009’s Fast Companyblog; an article that deserves a wider hearing and response. In today’s fragmentation of venues for committed discourse, I see a fascinating paradox of too many places (blogs) chasing too few great ideas (original thinking, not just the cut-and-paste of most blogs). Ideas as timely as Fred’s may not be developed, or even applicable, to scholarly journals, yet the blog genre seems a little insignificant

Economic Policy and Global Value Systems

Feature Articles / August 2009

Said E. Dawlabani


The current global economic crisis has humbled the field of economics as a science for its systemic failure to foresee the global danger signs. Even the best and the brightest in President Obama’s elite and highly credentialed team of experts are quickly finding that the largest economic stimulus in history will not be enough to avert an economic disaster. There’s no question that the global economy remains in the eye of the storm awaiting a paradigm …

Feature Article: Initiating Leadership Development in Norway Illustrated Through Theory U

Feature Articles / June 2009

sine hanssenFor some years now it seems to have been a well known truth that Einstein’s saying “we can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them” is quite relevant when talking about how we create and develop organizations and leaders that have the capacity to navigate the weathers of financial crisis and ecological as well as social challenges in the world. Otto Scharmer (2009) addresses this challenge by talking about “leading from the

Featured Article: The Requisite Organization of Integral Leadership Part 1: An Integrative Approach

Feature Articles / June 2009

scott poschon

Scott Pochron

In a recent article in the Integral Leadership Review, Mark Edwards (2009) suggested that Integral Leadership may be viewed from three holarchical lenses: developmental, ecological, and governance. The following paper proposes Elliott Jaques’s theory of Requisite Organization (RO) as a meta-theoretical framework for integrating these three lenses. The implications of RO as an integrative framework is examined in context of business and Integral Leadership practice, along with opportunities for further study.

Three Lenses of Integral Leadership

Edwards notes …

Featured Article: Integral Training and Embodied Business

Feature Articles / June 2009

mark walshI run a training and coaching company that works with stress management, leadership and team building amongst other things. What we’ve discovered is that training that isn’t integral doesn’t work very well as something is left out. I like integral because it gets the job done and allows you to be a human being doing it. I am not an integral philosopher but a “nuts and bolts” kinda guy who works with practical problems.

Quadrants at Work

Let’s start with …