Category Archives: Feature Articles

Feature Article: Kaipa’s Pyramid as a Yantra: A Tensegrity-Mandala

Feature Articles / March 2009

Understanding How Teams Work


One of the most interesting mental models I have come across in recent times is Prasad Kaipa’s use of the tetrahedron. I have been playing with it. Our consulting group took the exploration of our own work processes based on the paper “Application of Pyramid Building in Organisations: Aligning Strategy, Process and People in Organisations” by Prasad Kaipa, Chris Newham and Russ Volckmann.

narendranAs I worked with the model further, I started bringing it into …

Feature Article: Integral Leadership’s Potential to Position Poverty Within Transdisciplinarity(1)

Feature Articles / March 2009

Integral leaders can appreciate that the sheer magnitude and scale of poverty impacts the whole of humanity; it is planetary in nature. Xuereb astutely observes that a failure in one corner of the world is a failure everywhere; with poverty, no one wins. Because people are all connected, “your poverty is my poverty, if not also my doing” (2008, p.7). Poverty is an example of a polycrisis, a term Morin (1999a) uses to describe a situation where there is no

Feature Article: Integral Top Team Alignment

Feature Articles / March 2009

Pleuntje van MeerIt is possible to evolve top-teams for the twenty-first century, even in today’s turbulent and challenging times. Achieving high performance at the most senior executive level of company divisions and business units requires a team to engage in an alignment process that takes time, focus and personal commitment. The task is not an onerous one, though it does require a clear mindset and a sharpening of skills and capabilities that go beyond many executives’ previous individual business achievements.

We have …

Feature Article: Towards an Integral Leadership Vision in Software Development

Feature Articles / March 2009

keesThis article, primarily using the stages of development component of Ken Wilber’s Integral framework, follows the emerging group dynamics models that are coming apparent in current post-postmodern environments and how one such model was used at Integral Life in the IT Development efforts.


Software development is one of the most challenging and evolving areas of business today. The development of solutions stepping from vision to requirements, analysis, design, development and finally rollout coupled with technology advances and people issues …

Feature Article: Are You Ready to Play the Integral Way? The Next Evolution of Leadership

Feature Articles / March 2009

For Victoria and Julian


patricia von papsteinAs conscious leaders, we feel responsible for the life quality on this planet. We invent and design products and services that are sustainable and provide deep support, i.e., they are tools for life assistance. We initiate social responsibility projects. We fund creative industries. We invest in water protection, healthcare prevention and e-learning. We support projects for understanding and forgiveness between sexes, generations, political and cultural belief systems. From our individual perspective, we want to create …

Feature Article: Transforming a Leader and his Organization An Approach, a Case Study, and Measurable Results

Feature Articles / March 2009

metcalflipetzThis article looks at the question: “What is the developmental impact of a client who engages in individual coaching and consulting where the focus is integral in nature and the coach is functioning at least one full developmental level above the client?” In this study, the coaching and consulting support focused primarily on leadership development and used traditional interventions associated with management consulting. To provide the perspective of the client, Robert Weisenburger Lipetz, MBA, the client organization CEO, offers his

Feature Article: My Integral Change Journey

Feature Articles / January 2009


Steve McDonaldOver the past few years I’ve been engaged in an on-the-job action research project to develop an Integrally informed change management business, based in Melbourne, Australia. Like many change agents, sometimes it’s been hard for me to explain exactly what I do. That just seems to be part of the challenge when you attempt to work across all four Integral quadrants and serve a variety of clients.

The purpose of this article is to explore, from an Integral perspective, …

Feature Article: Evolution and Integral Leadership: How the Homo Got Its Sapiens

Feature Articles / January 2009


Roger StaceWhile much is known about how biological evolution has shaped human physical traits, less is known about why human mental traits evolved. It remains an ongoing puzzle how humans could have evolved the traits that integral leaders exhibit, such as interpersonal warmth, compassion and wisdom. This paper reviews existing theories for why these human capacities evolved, and then proposes a new theory for why these beautiful and inspiring aspects of human nature are adaptive. Specifically, transcendence has been sexy …

Feature Article: Integral Environmental Sustainability: Achieving an Integral Vision of Business Success with Zero Environmental Impact

Feature Articles / January 2009


“As long as human beings are regarded as “bad,” zero (waste) is a good goal. But to be less bad is to accept things as they are, to believe that poorly designed, dishonourable, destructive systems are the best humans can do. This is the ultimate failure of the “be less bad” approach: a failure of the imagination. From our perspective, this is a depressing vision of our species’ role in the world. What about …