Category Archives: Feature Articles

Feature Article: Up-lifting the Integral Down Under – Some Remarks on the Potential for an Integral Leadership in Australasian New Worlds

Feature Articles / January 2009


Wendlin KupersThe present context of leadership of Australasia is situated in increasingly complex, uncertain and dynamic business environments with multiple, demanding realities, value systems and growing pressures, particularly facing the environmental predicament and recent economic downturn and financial crisis. Australasia, the world south of Asia (“austral” being Latin for “southern”) particularly New Zealand, and Australia, with its neighbouring islands in the Pacific Ocean is a region at the (other) end of the (same) world which have a special relevance for ‘integralism’.…

Feature Article: Seeing Integral Leadership through Three Important Lenses: Developmental, Ecological and Governance

Feature Articles / January 2009

Mark EdwardsThis article looks at the issue of leadership within three multilevel contexts. The first context relates to the developmental context of leadership as a process of ongoing growth through various stages. This context focuses on things such as values, cognitive capacities, interpersonal skills and all those abilities that mark off the requirements of effective and authentic leadership. The second context relates to leadership as it exists in its relational and embedded forms throughout the whole organisation. This view sees the

Feature Article: En Route to Effective Workplace Leadership: An Integral Novice’s Exploration

Feature Articles / January 2009

If you analyse the way people use the word ‘spiritual’ [leadership] – both scholars and lay people alike – you will find at least 4 major meanings given to that word …My point is simply that all 4 of those are valid meanings of the word ‘spiritual’, but people usually mush them all together in their discussions, and the result is…well more mush.

(Wilber, 2007, p. 100 and 102).

This essay uses an ‘Integral Map’ [Wilber 2001, 2006 and 2007] …

Feature Article: Conscious Leadership: Transformational Approaches to a Sustainable Future

Feature Articles / October 2008

John ReneschThe state of the world is screaming for leadership! Global events of the past few years make it painfully evident we humans are at a major crossroads. We all know the list of challenges and crises awaiting future generations so there’s no need for me to cover them here. Questions looming before us include:

Do we continue trying to resolve our differences through force and incivility which further divides us, while technology makes it easier and easier to do lasting …

Feature Article: Open Invitations: Engaging People One Dialogue at a Time

Feature Articles / October 2008

Debbe KennedyIn every direction we look, we are reminded that we have pressing problems to solve as the pioneers of the twenty-first century. The urgency is sounding with a constant and quickening drumbeat. What we know for sure is that bombs and bluster and military might will not bring the solutions we need. As we clamor to discover the next theoretical approach or to unveil the results of still another study, or reach further than we ever imagined to weave the

Feature Article: Myth Busting and Metric Making: Refashioning the Discourse about Development

Feature Articles / October 2008

zack steinExecutive summary: This paper is about the use we make of developmental metrics and models in the Integral Community. Motivated by broad concerns about growing markets for psychological technologies I propose the need for discourse about quality control parameters, focusing on the construction and deployment of developmental assessment systems. When it comes to developmental metrics and models I suggest that two myths loom large and that they need to be busted if we want to move forward responsibly. The big

Feature Article: Learning Integral the Hard Way: An Autobiographical Account of Martial Arts, Peace and the Pieces of the Puzzle

Feature Articles / October 2008

Ken Bloody Wilber

Mark WalshIntegral theory irritates the hell out of me because I didn’t find it sooner and I had to make up a sketchy version of it myself. This article isn’t about all the great ways I use the Integral map now, but how I learnt what it was the hard way, out there in the big bad, non-theoretical world. Eggheads beware this is one messy omelette.

Before I knew what integral was I was interested in balance. I …

Feature Article: The LEADERSHIP of the HEART: Eagle’s flight through life experiences in the awakening of Integral Spain

Feature Articles / October 2008

Raquel TorrentAmong the styles of guiding or directing people since the existence of humankind—and no matter whether we talk of political, academic or business leadership styles—we may find a very simple division or classification: Hard and Soft Leadership. I want to share in this space the journey of my own life, having in mind these two simple styles. One is the authority of the mind and the other is the leading of the heart.

My mother used to wake me up …

Feature Article: Towards an Ideal of Global Leadership

Feature Articles / October 2008

He is quick, thinking in clear images;
I am slow, thinking in broken images.
He becomes dull, trusting to his clear images;
I become sharp, mistrusting my broken images,
Trusting his images, he assumes their relevance;
Mistrusting my images, I question their relevance.
Assuming their relevance, he assumes the fact,
Questioning their relevance, I question the fact.
When the fact fails him, he questions his senses;
When the fact fails me, I approve my senses.
He continues quick and dull

Feature Article: Business Leadership for an Evolving Planet: The Need for Transformational Thinking in Intercultural and International Environments

Feature Articles / October 2008

Only those who continue to change remain my kin. ~J. W. Goethe

Sunil Ahuja, Scottsdale, AZ, USA; Jon Ebersole, Affoltern am Albis, Switzerland; Otto Laske, Medford, MA, USA; Pia Neiwert, Berlin, Germany; Mirna Perez, Mexico City, Mexico; Ron Stewart, Portland, OR, USA.
Copyright © Laske and Associates LLC

This paper discusses a new approach to leadership education based on studies in the development of adult thinking. The paper emphasizes the benefit of transformational thinking for creating cultures of collaboration, …