Category Archives: Feature Articles

Feature Article: Power, Responsibility & Wisdom: Exploring the issues at the core of Ethical Decision-Making and Leadership

Feature Articles / October 2008

Bruce LloydIntroduction

The objective is simple: ‘Better decision-makin’. The only issue is that there are so many different views over what we mean by ‘better’. At the core of all decision-making is the need to balance Power with Responsibility, as the vehicle for resolving the ‘better’ question. This article explores why that is so difficult? It also argues that exploring the concept of Wisdom can provide invaluable insights into how to achieve the most effective balance between Power and Responsibility, which …

Feature Article: Theoretical Foundations of Integrative Leadership

Feature Articles / August 2008

Barbara CrosbyIntegrative leadership is an emerging leadership approach that fosters collective action across many types of boundaries in order to achieve the common good. It brings together leadership concepts and practice rooted in five major sectors of society—business, government, nonprofits, media, and community. It focuses on leadership development at all levels, from individual to global. This paper lays the foundation for an integrative leadership framework that will help leaders and researchers around the world build multi-sector collaborations to work on the

Feature Article: The Both/And of Leadership in Living Systems Change

Feature Articles / August 2008

Helen Tichen BeethWe are faced with a growing list of models related to leadership and living systems change. Too often these models are pitted against each other in our conversations and we fail to drawn on their collective potential. I offer here an essay that can be used to frame our ability explore the conditions of change and our individual and collective roles in that change.

There are a number of angles I’d like to comment from, coming out of my own …

Feature Article: Leaders Want to be Loved: What’s So Wrong with That?

Feature Articles / August 2008

Amiel HandlesmanOver the past year I received similar introductions to five bright executives in different organizations. Before each coaching assignment began, I was cautioned, “(S)he’s very hard-nosed. Doesn’t like touchy-feely. Focus on business issues. No soft stuff.”

In each situation, I realized that this advice was both helpful and limited. On the one hand, I interpreted it as a useful reminder for me to “activate Orange” (in Spiral Dynamics lingo) when interacting with these leaders. This meant ramping up the language …

Feature Article: Leadership in Indian Corporations Through the SDi Lens

Feature Articles / August 2008

Raghu AnanthanarayanIs there a case to understand leadership in a developing nation differently from Leadership in a developed economy? I do not suggest that I know the answer by I do realize that an enquiry into this question will be worthwhile. By comparing my experience of working with a few organizations in India, I am hoping to draw attention to some important aspects of the question.

Let me first put down a few assumptions I am making:

Firstly, leadership does not …

Feature Article: Van der Horst’s Integral Law of Requisite Contrariety: Practical Paradoxes to Live By and Other Notes on the Illusion of Failure

Feature Articles / August 2008

Brian van der HorstThinking of going integral? Sure, there’s all this theory, but are you actually, concretely evolving? Are you walking your talk?

You may be entertaining limiting beliefs that form self-imposed, but invisible, unexamined barriers to becoming an integral human being. If you are one of those who still think you are flawed, incomplete, and unsatisfied by your lack of integration, I’ve got news for you. Much of what we consider to be our worst habits, faults, and failings are actually gold …

Feature Article: Catalysing the Second Renaissance: Creating a Sustainable Business Model for a Thriving Planet

Feature Articles / August 2008

wood graphic 1

“…We can address poverty, climate change, and environmental destruction at a very modest cost today with huge benefits for shared and sustainable prosperity and peace in the future…”
Al Gore: Winner of the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize and Former Vice President of the United States

“We have reached the beginning of the twenty-first century with a very crowded planet: 6.6 billion people living in an interconnected global economy producing an astounding $60 trillion of output each year. …China is adding …

Integral for the Masses: Life at the Spear-Point of Evolution Take 2

Feature Articles / June 2008

in Conversation with Robb Smith–CEO Integral Institute, Chairman & CEO Integral Life

Robb SmithKeith BellamyJust over a year ago I was given the opportunity to interview Robb Smith, the newly appointed Chief Executive of the Integral Institute. When I heard on the grapevine that Robb was making a flying visit to New York City, I thought that it would be a good time to catch up and to see how things are progressing at Integral Institute. My request for a meeting, in …

Feature Article: Integrative Leadership: Observations from a University of Minnesota Seminar Series

Feature Articles / June 2008


Barbara CrosbyJay KiedrowskiThe University of Minnesota created a new all-university, interdisciplinary Center for Integrative Leadership in the summer of 2006. Co-sponsored by the Carlson School of Management and the Hubert H. Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs, the center defined integrative leadership as “fostering collective action across boundaries to advance the common good.”

During the 2006-7 academic year, the center held a series of seminars to discover common aspects of integrative leadership aimed at complex regional, national and global problems. Learnings from …

Feature Article: Developing Generative Change Leaders Across Sectors: An Exploration of Integral Approaches

Feature Articles / June 2008

Alain GautierAbstract. This paper summarizes the key findings, interpretations and questions that result from a nine-month exploratory study of the emerging field of ‘generative change agent development’ (GCAD). The study was based on interviews with observers of the field and program directors on five continents, as well as on analyses of websites, articles, and books. It benefits from the extensive experience that the research team gathered in decades of founding and leading diverse leadership networks as well as educational and …