Category Archives: Feature Articles

Feature Article: Holding Partnership Conversations

Feature Articles / June 2008

Riane Eisler

Lucy GarrickA growing awareness that humankind is facing unprecedented challenges that are is making many of us uneasy. Our dis-ease stems from increasing awareness that humanity’s bill for our impact on the health of the planet is now coming due. How we choose to proceed may determine whether we are privileged to continue to adapt physically, psychically and spiritually. We find ourselves wondering how future generations will view our contributionto the inevitable shift toward a global community. For those of us …

Feature Article: Implementing Sustainable Transformation – Theory and Application

Feature Articles / June 2008

Maureen Metcalf

John FormanDena Paluck

In our fast changing environment, many of us are asking questions about how to implement sustainable change. Possible solutions are delivered in the many models and stories comprising numerous business books. However, finding the right one for you can be an exhausting and expensive task. To help you find the best solution, I’ve used my years of experience teaching and studying change to synthesize the best of the models into one that is comprehensive and scalable for both large and …

Feature Article: Integrative Leadership: Building a Foundation for Personal, Interpersonal and Organizational Success

Feature Articles / March 2008

Lillas HatallaWhen you know what Integrative Leadership is all about, and commit to the Integrative Leadership path, you will find that illustrations of it can be found in all parts of your life. It nerve ceases to amaze me how it continues to enrich my life, and helps me learn about myself as a leader—and I would like to share a few stories from my recent life experiences that I believe communicate what Integrative Leadership is. The first story points to

Feature Article: “Level 5 Leadership”: Leadership that Transforms Organizations and Creates Sustainable Results

Feature Articles / March 2008

Maureen Metcalf

Maureen MetcalfWe have been hearing about “Level 5 Leadership” since Jim Collins’ book Good to Great became popular over 5 years ago. This book made the term “Level 5” a common phrase in business circles. While the term is often used, it is not often understood. Even worse, many people believe they understand what it is and may spend energy developing themselves in ways that do not actually produce the results they hope to create. I believe we can …

Feature Article: Evolutionary Dynamics and Social Systems

Feature Articles / March 2008

Peggy Holman

Tom Atlee

 Peggy Holman and Tom Atlee

A small but rapidly-growing number of people are taking the viewpoint that humanity has the potential to become “conscious evolution”. They believe that we are evolution becoming conscious of itself. These people constitute a science-based spiritual movement which has so far focused on (a) reframing major religions through the eyes of evolution, (b) learning and teaching evolutionary science and its new spiritual significance, (c) celebrating the Great Story of evolution and humanity’s role in it, …

Feature Article: The Journeys of 2nd Tier Leaders Over Time

Feature Articles / March 2008

John OliverThis article compares the long-term results of leadership case studies from four countries (Brazil, England, Denmark, USA). The long-term results are interpreted through the Integral lens, and the leaders compared against 2nd Tier values.

Reference will be made to the Spiral Dynamics Stage perspectives and memes:

Behaviour Type
yellow: Tolerance of ambiguities, knowledge of assumptions.
green: Informational, sharing, caring.
orange: Rational, tasks, expert, efficiency, profit.
blue: Conforming, unconditional allegiance, tradition, protocol, political / military (mythic).
red: Power, action, position, predatory,

Feature Article: Celebrating Work to Get Fit for the Future

Feature Articles / January 2008

Diedrich JanseThe identity of the company unit (in the Netherlands) and individuals has been changed in order to honor commitments to anonymity and confidentiality. We anticipate, perhaps in a follow up article in Integral Leadership Review, to be able to provide more information.

This story is about the transformation of a business unit at Company X and the secrets behind its success. When he came to the business unit in October of 2004, business unit manager John Doe found a culture …

Feature Article: A Society on the Verge of Leaping

Feature Articles / January 2008

Margot BosmanLast February—while a new Dutch government was in the making—probably one of the first attempts for integral policy making in the 21st century started to see the light of day. Under the guidance of Herman Wijffels, who is Executive Director at the World Bank and was appointed to this assignment by the Dutch Queen, three political parties designed a so-called Regeerakkoord . This agreement is a significant step in the exploration of how an integral society might emerge. This article

Feature Article: Sustainable Results/Achievements Through Resilience and Leadership

Feature Articles / January 2008

The challenge for leadership development is to safeguard both talent development and economic growth by:

  • Changing work patterns and the relationship between learning, creating and producing;
  • Steering in equal measure towards structural, cultural and personal resilience; and
  • Using the natural ability of people that comes from their inner motivation.

Alain VolzLisette “The Dutch indicate that their country is confronted with a both-and challenge: to create both economic growth and more solidary [sic] society, aimed more clearly at quality of life, modest …

Feature Article: Can the Evolution of a Concept Create a Tower of Babel: Distinguishing Different Types of Participation in the Netherlands through an Integral Lens

Feature Articles / January 2008

The Confusion of Tongues by Gustav Doré (1865)

The Confusion of Tongues by Gustav Doré (1865)

Leida Schuringa

1. Introduction

Leida SchuringaThe Netherlands has a traditional interest in the participation of civilians, and even more is being expected from this approach as an answer to societal problems and issues since the turn of the 21st century. Including people in society is one of the main objectives of the new Dutch government.

In this article, I follow the development of this “ participation track” and connect it with my knowledge …