Category Archives: Feature Articles

Feature Article: Leadership and the Interpenetration of Structure and State Stages: A Subjective Exposé

Feature Articles / November 2007

So much of my own experience of myself is that of intellectual epiphany, not necessarily always correct, but often self-satisfying. I feel like a 10-year-old, or a teenager – certain of my own absolute truth and intelligence with an ego-centered disregard for the wisdom of others in the face of my own. (Participant in the GTC Program)

Terri O'FallonThis quote is one of several I have placed in this paper. Each one represents a space of illumination related to a particular …

Feature Article: A Meditation On Leadership Thinking Surprising Places to Look For—and At—Leadership— And by the by, a case for Integral Leadership Theory

Feature Articles / November 2007

Barbara Mossberg

Is Sex Necessary?—James Thurber

Dedicated to the James McGregor Burns Academy of Leadership

The following essay considers useful wisdom and knowledge for the practice, development, and study of leadership. Based on a conviction of the relevance of emergent science and classical humanities as well as ancient teachings, this meditation appreciates Integral Leadership theory as a model that celebrates theory—and, perhaps, helps redeem academe from the Humpty Dumpty reputation which does not do justice to the real-world intelligence and care

Feature Article: Leadership as Opening Space

Feature Articles / November 2007

jonathan reamsIntroduction

I have always been interested in the intangible, even ineffable aspects of life. This interest has guided a number of areas in my life, including my inquiries into leadership. I have sought to understand leadership from a view that focuses on the sense of space that some people are able to create and maintain, regardless of their formal role or position. From this, I will propose a definition of leadership as the act of opening space.

In order to …

Feature Article: The Integral 360° Leadership and Management Profile: An Extra-ordinary Approach for Leadership Development

Feature Articles / August 2007

Ron CacioppeIntroduction: A 360° Profile to Develop Integral Leadership

“There is clear evidence of a radical paradigm shift in the practice of management development—from the dominant emphasis on the superficial level of behavioural skills to the deeper and more powerful level of developing consciousness.”
>H. Harung, D. Heaton and C. Alexander

The development of leadership skills is an important part of the success of every organisation in the current rapidly changing economic, technical and social environment. Leadership helps organisations navigate through …

Feature Article: Unintended Leadership

Feature Articles / August 2007

Drew Bishop, MSODIn leadership forums, like the Integral Leadership Review, discussions about how leadership develops are a core topic. There are the ongoing debates about born leaders vs. trained leaders, environment vs. hereditary. Each side supports their opinion with valid observations, good research and persuasive discussions. And the reality of the matter is there are leaders who fit all along the continuum of this subject. But there is a segment of leaders that rarely merits discussion, let alone mention. It is what

Feature Article: Organization at the Leading Edge: Introducing Holacracy™ Evolving Organization

Feature Articles / June 2007

Holding the Question

Six years ago, two colleagues and I launched Ternary Software to help other organizations bring software to market using highly effective “lean” processes. Although the business vision we pursued was common enough, we launched the company with an uncommon question. Our prior experience in modern organizations was profoundly unfulfilling and we had a deep driving sense that there must be a better way. We wanted to know: “How can we live and work together in a, more …

Feature Article: Talk About Altitude! From the Mile High City to the Emerald City Robb Smith in Seattle

Feature Articles / June 2007

On Thursday, April 26, 2007, SeattleIntegral, the largest Integral Salon in Seattle, hosted a special Ken Wilber Meetup with guest Robb Smith, recently named Chief Executive Officer of Integral Institute. As a special treat, we also had the pleasure of participating in a conference call with Ken Wilber (lasting almost an hour-and-a-half!). As many of us can attest, there is just nothing quite like a real-time, in-the-moment experiences of the man himself! (More on that in a moment.)

Foremost, Robb’s …

Feature Article: Holacracy™ in Action: Theory to Practice

Feature Articles / June 2007

jessica safranBob Huff
Imagine you have a voice in your organization and people listen to it. You feel you belong to something larger than yourself, yet in order to be part of this larger whole, you don’t have to give up who you are to enjoy the benefits of membership. Imagine you can take action, and even if your action is disruptive, rather than being punished, you are enlisted and empowered to help restore the balance that you disrupted. The results produced by

Feature Article: Branding: The Integral Leader’s Trojan Horse? Jordan Bruce MacLeod

Feature Articles / June 2007


Jordan Bruce MacLeod

‘Products are made in the factory, but brands are created in the mind.’
– Walter Landor

Business Week’s latest ranking of the world’s top 100 brands attests to the staggering value now being attributed to these rather intangible and nebulous assets. From the bottom of the list, where Levi’s (#100) weighs in at $2.7 billion all the way to the top where Coca-Cola’s $67 billion dollar brand enjoys a refreshing view, these mega-corporations are rapidly increasing the energy …

Feature Article: Mapping Our Decision Making

Feature Articles / June 2007

Throughout human history, people have made decisions on a daily basis. The decisions they make reflect both the information they have and the choices they perceive. At both personal and group levels, better information and more choices generally lead to better decisions. So the question becomes: how can we get better information and more choices?

I’m going to use two analogies in this article to illustrate how the different decision making styles could play out.

Flying a plane
Flying a