Category Archives: Feature Articles

Feature Article: Palestine Speaks in Colors: Unraveling the Deep Cultural Codes and Designing Integral Solutions.

Feature Articles / March 2007

elza photoUsing his ground breaking experience in South Africa and his practical knowledge in dealing with the different mindsets in cultures, Dr. Don Beck offered a fresh start to the Palestinians and they responded with an overwhelming enthusiasm on our third trip to the region. Many of our contacts told me that Dr. Beck’s work in South Africa with political and community leaders sparked their initial attraction tohis work. Now that they have a deeper grasp of the SDi approach (see

Feature Article: A Meta-Perspective on Leadership

Feature Articles / March 2007

stech imageWhy a Meta-Perspective?

Any attempt at developing a comprehensive or general theory of leadership must deal with a wide variety of factors, contexts, variables, and conditions. Development of more limited theories should include an understanding of the place such theories take in a broader context. Further, efforts at developing and implementing research programs on leadership must take into account those same factors, contexts, variables, and conditions even though the research might address only one, two, or a few of them. …

Feature Article: Leadership and Worldview: What in the World is a Worldview?

Feature Articles / March 2007

A Summary of “The Psychology of Worldviews”

Mark Koltko-Rivera
Review of General Psychology, 2004, 8(1), pp. 3-58

rubinKoltko-Rivera imageIn our approaches to exploring the multi-faceted aspects of the subject of leadership, an important developmental concept is that of worldview. This paper seeks to introduce a cogent exploration of this important topic and recommend key questions related to the subject of leadership. When guiding groups toward goals, leaders deal with issues not only of competence, but also personalities and group dynamics. An …

Feature Article: Marsilio Ficino: Magnus of the Renaissance, Shaper of Leaders

Feature Articles / March 2007


Ron CacioppeThis article summarizes the life of Marsilio Ficino, a philosopher, priest and scholar, and his profound influence on the Renaissance. The major events and achievements of Ficino’s work are described along with his physical characteristics, personality and life style. Marsilio Ficino translated the major works of Plato and other ancient philosophers and convinced the leading thinkers of the Catholic church to modify their view of the relationship of reason to belief. He also helped redefine the ‘human being’ in …

Feature Article: Reframing Leadership for a Postmodern Age

Feature Articles / March 2007

McCrimmon photoLeadership needs to be reframed for a digital, postmodern age. The world is losing its static and hierarchical character. Life is now more dynamic, chaotic; final authorities have vanished. Leadership used to be hierarchical, associated with the power to dominate a group. This is biologically primitive because it occurs throughout much of the higher animal world. Our conventional image of leadership is also riddled with paternalism. A good leader, someone who protects, develops and inspires us is essentially a father

Featured Article: Integral Leadership Coaching: A Holistic Meta-Framework and Process

Feature Articles / March 2007

Raines imageNever before have coaches been faced with such a wide-open field of conversations directly relevant to the effectiveness of leaders and the stakeholders they serve. As the business world’s center of gravity moves from a traditional financial focus to one that includes environmental and social stewardship, leadership coaches now are able to scale curiosity and connections between the personal and global levels.

The Leading Edge of Business and the Future of Leadership Coaching

Climate change, more than any other phenomenon, …

Cuentan con el Artículo: EL LIDERAZGO SE PUEDE ENSEÑAR

Feature Articles / January 2007

Pedro Gioya Rivero

Raquel TorrentLa noción de una persona ungida por los dioses que tiene capacidad para arrastrar a las masas hacia donde desea, es un concepto arraigado como mito entre la mayoría de la población con el que todo estudioso del Liderazgo se encuentra una y otra vez. Por más que esté muy extendida, es una idea falsa. Al estudiar el concepto de Liderazgo nos encontramos una y otra vez pruebas empíricas que demuestran la falsedad de esta aseveración. La mayoría de las …

Feature Article: Awakening the Integral Self: A Historical Sweep of Human Emergence

Feature Articles / January 2007

Rafi NasserThe recent discovery of bones at Ethiopia’s Lake Omo indicates that our species is approximately two hundred thousand years old. That observation suggests that 10,000 generations of anatomically modern humans have roamed the planet. During this span of time humanity has undergone six discernable Waves of Emergence with a seventh underway.

Historically this process unfolded at a measured pace, each wave propagating and maturing leisurely over millennia and more recently over centuries. But the frequency of emergence has increased past …

Feature Article: Integral Sustainability 2006

Feature Articles / January 2007

byrne photoI recently had the opportunity to attend Integral Sustainability 2006 in Westminster, Colorado. I-S 2006 was an integral tour-de-force hosted by world-class instructors and attended by both seasoned integral practitioners and others just incorporating the framework into their lives and offerings. Participants were presented with leading edge academic syntheses, case studies and direct demonstrations. We were also afforded the opportunity to co-create with individual and group inquiry personalizing the experience. This participatory element included individual introspection, one-on-one direct inquiry practice

Feature Article: Integral Leadership Can Be Taught

Feature Articles / January 2007

gioya photo

torrent imageLeadership and leadership development is one of the most interesting issues in communities and organizations today. Writing and thinking about leadership in general and Integral Leadership in particular has been growing all over the world. The successes of the International Leadership Association and the Integral Leadership Revieware examples of the growing interest in the subject in many societies. However, in much of the material published, there are assumptions about culture and societies that may not be accurate. We believe, for …