Category Archives: Feature Articles

Feature Article: An Integral Approach to the Teaching of Leadership Studies at the University of San Diego School of Leadership and Education Sciences

Feature Articles / January 2007

Cheryl GetzSteve GelbThe challenge for leaders everywhere is to develop the knowledge and skills to manage the complexity of issues that dominate everyday life. Teaching leadership involves more than skill building and professional development. The teaching of leadership is a challenge that requires the kind of internal re-structuring which comes only from struggling through fundamental issues of meaning, purpose, complexity, and paradox (Leadership Institute, 2006). It requires attention to the wholeness of the individual—a more integrated and less fragmented approach than is

Feature Article: The Difference between Leaders and “Leaders of Leaders”

Feature Articles / January 2007

Herb Rubenstein Introduction

Trustee Leadership. Total Leadership. Assigned Leadership. Connective Leadership. Balanced Leadership. Muscular Leadership. Toxic Leadership. Fusion Leadership. Complexity Leadership. Character Based Leadership. Emergent Leadership. Directive Leadership. Participative Leadership. Ethical Leadership. Principled Leadership. Team Leadership. Achievement Oriented Leadership. Supportive Leadership. Charismatic Leadership. Wholehearted Leadership. Level 5 Leadership. Authentic Leadership. Leadership Development. Leadership Training. Executive Development. Team Building. Coaching. Situational Leadership. Principle Centered Leadership. Values Centered Leadership. Inclusive Leadership. Servant Leadership. Transactional Leadership. Transformational Leadership. Enlightened Leadership. Leadership at Every Step. Leading …

Feature Article: Leadership in Requisite Organization: A Spiral Dynamics Perspective

Feature Articles / January 2007

Herb Koplowitz

koplowitz photoThis paper has two purposes. First, it is an exploration and explanation of leadership as it is understood within Requisite Organization (Jaques 1996). RO (Requisite Organization) is a total systems approach to designing, staffing and managing the workplace. Most people who work in organization design or organization development have not heard of it or of Elliott Jaques who was its major designer. Jaques is so unknown, in fact, that there is a small literature on why he is

Feature Article: Integral Leadership as Supporting Epistemic Sophistication in Knowledge-Building Communities

Feature Articles / October 2006

Tom MurrayIntroduction

In a general sense leaders “lead, inspire, and/or organize” people to form beliefs or take actions and theories of leadership cover a wide range of concerns, including management, organizational transformation, character development and psycho-social motivation. For this article I take a particular meaning or slice within the numerous goals and skill sets entailed by “leadership,” i.e., leadership as supporting knowledge-building, new mental models and meaning generation. These three facets of leadership are closely intertwined.

Leaders advocate particular models of, …

Feature Article: Silverbacks, Connectors, and Hybrids: Understanding the Psychology of Network Development

Feature Articles / October 2006

Max Klau

By Max Klau, Ed.D., Senior Researcher for Leadership and Evaluation. City Year, Inc.
Contact Information: 10 Craigie St. Apt. 5, Somerville, MA 02143 Phone: (617) 413-6316

What is the connection between individual development and macro-level social system change?  This article presents an answer to this question by integrating the fields of developmental psychology and complex systems. The result is a model of psychological transformation that preserves a dual focus on macro-level and micro-level development. Drawing upon both visual

Feature Article: Integral Leader – Follower Relationships: Options in 4-D

Feature Articles / October 2006


Robert Johnston One way or another, we are all both leaders and followers. The value of an integral understanding of leaders and followers seems to have become heightened commensurate with a dramatic increase in the uncertainty and complexity involved in doing business throughout the world, especially since 9/11. To complicate matters further and create even more stress in our organizations, our workers are better-educated and consequently less amenable to top-down one-way direction, unless, perhaps, in emergency situations. Most people want to

Feature Article: Why Spiritual Intelligence Is Essential to Mature Leadership

Feature Articles / August 2006

Cindy WigglesworthThe life conditions and problems we face as a species, as countries, as organizations and as individuals demand increasing complex/elegant solutions. The type of mature leader who can respond to such situations is a “Tier 2” leader—embodying an advanced stage of personal development. These high levels of adult development are inseparably linked to spiritual intelligence. Thus, mature leadership requires spiritual intelligence development. The result is a leader who leads from the inside out: who she is, is how she leads.

Feature Article: Teaching vs. Preaching: The Power of Using Key Distinctions in Integral Leadership Development

Feature Articles / August 2006

Brian Whetten, Ph.D., M.A.Summary

One of the defining hallmarks of “second stage” integral thinking is the ability to move beyond seeing our current developmental stage as the “one true stage” that “should” be used by everyone. Yet the process through which myself and many others have embraced integral theory is much like a religious conversion experience. In my Integral Leadership development efforts, I’ve often found myself preaching instead of teaching.

This challenge stems directly from the greatest strength of Integral Theory—the overarching breadth …

Feature Article: Field Testing the Integral Model in the Middle East

Feature Articles / June 2006

Abou Nidal, our East Jerusalem Arab driver, is a big sturdy man who promised to take us anywhere in the Palestinian Territories. “These are our people. Safety is not an issue,” he proudly said. Well, not quite…

On May 20th Dr. Don Beck, a geopolitical consultant and co-founder of Spiral Dynamics integral, and I finished a presentation to the various non-governmental agencies (NGOs) in the West Bank and were heading to our next meeting at Fatah headquarters. Leaving the building …

Feature Article: “Consciousizing” the Middle East: Don Beck in Israel and Palestine, Part 2

Feature Articles / June 2006

“There will be twenty seven of us seated around a long U-shaped table. One of the walls consists of a series of large square glass windows overlooking the silky blue Mediterranean rolling onto the sandy shore.” I was describing to Don Beck the room where the first-ever three-day Spiral Dynamics Level 1 training in Israel would be held. “You’ll be competing with the sea for our attention.”

He grinned, “I’ll take my chances.”

The first two days, Don’s brilliance eclipsed …