Category Archives: Feature Articles

Feature Article: Reflections on the State of Integral Leadership Theory and Development

Feature Articles / June 2006

Russ Volckmann

It has been almost ten years since Chris Newham, Prasad Kaipa and I had our first conversations about integral theory and Integral Leadership. Influenced by Howard Gardner’s work on multiple intelligences and others’ work on emotional intelligence we turned to Ken Wilber’s A Brief History of Everything, No Boundary and Sex, Ecology and Spirituality for concepts and models that would be helpful.

Our work was contextualized by our own collective decades of management and leadership practice, consulting, training and coaching. …

Feature Article: Shades of Leadership: A Case Study in Leading for the Followers

Feature Articles / March 2006

Keith Rice

A few years ago, I was invited to work with Hodgson Sealants Ltd, a Yorkshire-based family firm. They were a leading manufacturer of sealants and Europe’s single biggest supplier of putty. They were beginning to penetrate North Africa and other markets beyond the European continent. For the previous 30-plus years, the company had been run as the personal fiefdom of founder Peter Hodgson. His word was law and he could change the law, even on a day to day basis, …

Feature Article: Developing Leadership Capacity: Searching for the Integral

Feature Articles / March 2006

Leadership involves inspiring people and organizations to develop the capacity to create the futures they desire. This often means leaders are called upon to stimulate significant changes in human systems, which invariably require changes in individual behaviors. For such changes to be sustainable, individuals must examine the meaning that gives rise to their behaviors and the leaders must engage with those meanings inside themselves.

Dozens of scholars and commentators have attempted to define what really lies at the heart of …

Feature Article: On Leadership As Something We Are Rather Than Have

Feature Articles / March 2006

Introducing Instrumentation to Strengthen the Integral Approach for Use in Organizations

Otto Laske
Interdevelopmental Institute (IDM)
Center for Executive and Organizational Growth (CEOG)
Medford, MA 02155, USA

Copyright © Otto Laske 2006

For Russ who provoked these thoughts.


The goal of this paper is to show that and how the effectiveness of the Integral Approach in organizational work can be strengthened by basing it on explicit assessments covering all four quadrants and subsuming all levels. This is in …

Feature Article: Alexander The Great: Lessons of Heroic Leadership, for Mike Jay

Feature Articles / December 2005

I. Introduction

Richard FreisAlexander the Great is again at the center of attention, with Oliver Stone’s recently released blockbuster film. Leaving aside our judgment of the film, Alexander himself is worthy of our serious attention for his reshaping of civilization on three continents before his death at 32 and because his remarkably accelerated and many-sided development exhibits a rarely equaled array of model leadership abilities. They may need to be complemented but can never be omitted in defining the leadership abilities …

Feature Article: Notes on Spiritual Leadership and Relational Spirituality

Feature Articles / December 2005

NB: This is a revision and integration of interrelated sets of notes that have appeared over recent months in Michel Bauwens’Pluralities/Integration online newsletter []

The Guru Phenomenon

The traditional oriental guru represents a form of spiritual leadership in which so-called advanced spiritual states of being are transmitted from guru to disciple. This requires the disciple to be present with the guru, physically or psychically, to project onto the guru the disciple’s latent divine nature, to be obedient and …

Feature Article: Integral Scenarios for Leadership Development: Scenarios and Leadership Development — 4th in a Series

Feature Articles / September 2005

Russ VolckmannSo what is all of this about scenarios? For those who are tracking this series of articles the question of what has this got to do with Integral Leadership must have occurred by now. Well, I think it has a lot to do with how the individual develops and prepares for leadership roles. This involves our shifting from thinking about leadership development as something we do to individuals to something individuals engage in with the systems in which their leader

Feature Article: Integral Africa: How far can integral go? …transforming a continent?

Feature Articles / September 2005

Susan Cannon

Yene Assegid

At this critical evolutionary moment in Earth’s history, as the integral wave begins to coalesce, “boots on the ground” global initiatives for Integral Leadership development thankfully are emerging. One such initiative is Integral Africa, at this very moment self-organizing against the fearsome odds for which Africa is renowned. Yene Assegid, a native of Ethiopia and an emerging woman leader in her own right, was so profoundly changed by her experience in a Seattle-based Integral Leadership development program, that she is …

Feature Article: An Integral Response to HIV/AIDS: The “Leadership for Results” Story

Feature Articles / September 2005

michael McElhenie


The need for leadership development to enhance an effective, coordinated response to HIV/AIDS and related issues has been gathering momentum over the past several years in many developing nations. Throughout the world, HIV/AIDS has rapidly increased the complexity of living within and managing any system, anywhere. The capacity and leadership required to respond to this complexity far exceeds existing levels in all but the most developed countries. To further heighten the challenge, millions die of AIDS every year; so-called …

Feature Article: A Tribute to Joseph C. Rost: Understanding Leadership in the 21st Century

Feature Articles / July 2005

This short article is offered as a tribute to Joseph Rost. It then seeks to link the emerging notions of integral theory with Rost’s earlier and independent work (1991, 1993), work that has been some of the most influential in shaping higher education’s focus on leadership over the last decade.

The area of integral theory is new to me. After having read a couple of articles and then participating in a recent conference call about integral theory and leadership, I …