Category Archives: Feature Articles

Feature Article: West Point, Scenarios and Leadership Development

Feature Articles / July 2005

Russ Volckmann

Since the readership of the Integral Leadership Review constitutes a diverse international group, a few words about this article may be helpful. The United States Military Academy (West Point) is where career officers are educated and trained for the United States Army. In addition to providing military leadership, the graduates of West Point, upon leaving their military service, have entered into formal leader roles in industry, not for profits, government and politics. Some have even attained the position of President …

Feature Article: The Rise and Fall of Development

Feature Articles / April 2005

Mike Jay

Paper presented under the title, “The Evolution of Human Striving,” at the 2005 Conference of the Society for Research in Adult Development, Atlanta, Georgia, April 6-7, 2005.

Disclaimer from Prince 1999: “I was dreaming when I wrote this, so forgive me if it goes astray…”

This presentation is designed to disquiet current thinking and augment it with some additional opportunities; that is my aim. Please, take this all with a grain of salt. You might even say that I’m full …

Feature Article: Scenarios: Emanation and Learning Challenge

Feature Articles / April 2005

Russ Volckmann

This is the second in a short series of articles that recommends the use of scenarios in leadership development. Further, it suggests that an integral approach to learning from scenarios adds a level of richness that better prepares potential leaders for future events. That is the purpose of leadership development and of the use of scenarios: to develop leadership potential.

In the last issue I suggested the use of scenarios for leadership development through the phase of emanation. I considered …

Feature Article: P2P and the Corporation ~ Foundation for P2P Alternatives

Feature Articles / February 2005

In the material to follow I believe we have an example of the analysis that is still so underdeveloped of the lower quadrants of the integral model. While the focus is not leadership, per se, it is certainly about the cultures and systems in which leadership emerges. The immediate challenge it presents, from my point of view, is to explore the implications of this analysis for our understanding of leadership in business environments—be they corporate or otherwise. I find myself

Feature Article: Scenarios and Process: Emanation

Feature Articles / February 2005

Russ Volckmann

In this series of articles I have been exploring the use of scenarios for leadership development somewhat abstractly. In the next few issues I hope to examine this approach with more attention to method and process. This article begins an outline of the process or approach that one would use with clients to develop such scenarios. In this series we will be examining scenarios, their development and implementation through four stages: emanation, creation, formation and action. Here is a discussion …

Feature Article: Scenarios and Lines: Advancing Leadership Development

Feature Articles / December 2004

Russ VolckmannIn the last two issues of Integral Leadership Review I have been writing about the use of scenarios and leadership development. Here I will develop this idea further with particular attention to the idea of lines of development. I will also link this exploration to the interview with James O’Toole in this issue of  Integral Leadership Review.

The use of scenarios is not a new idea. Shell’s pioneering efforts have been noted in earlier articles here and elsewhere and an …

Feature Article: Integral Scenarios and Leadership Development

Feature Articles / October 2004

Russ VolckmannWe are used to role-plays in leadership development. They are often useful methods for individuals to observe group dynamics and their own behavior in relation to that of others. What could be more full of potential for an integral perspective than that? I would like to suggest that scenario explorations offer even more potential.

In scenarios we do not construct an imaginary organization, an imaginary world or an imaginary role. We work with as much as we can of current …

Feature Article: Developing Leaders: Scenarios and Holonics

Feature Articles / August 2004

Russ Volckmann

Think about the methods we have for developing leaders: education, training, OJT, mentoring, coaching, assessment centers, focus on leader competencies, developing a leadership pipeline, etc. One that hasn’t received much attention is the use of scenarios. Training programs use simulations and experiential learning activities, usually focused on an organizational or behavioral issue of some sort: communicating across organizational boundaries, listening skills, meeting management, etc. But scenarios?

At Shell Oil in the ‘70s Peter Schwartz asked what would happen if oil …

Feature Article: Integral Leadership: The Case of Mother Teresa

Feature Articles / May 2004

The reality of Integral Leadership has been exemplified by leaders such as Nelson Mandela, the Dalai Lama, Eleanor Roosevelt, Martin Luther King, Rachel Carson or Mohandas Gandhi. Mother Teresa is another example on which this article is based. These leaders are perceived today not only as some of the most ethical of the 20 th and 21 st centuries, but also as some of the most efficient, having tackled the deepest scars of our world. These leaders have not only

Feature Article: The Tsunami of Integral Leadership Development

Feature Articles / May 2004

Have you ever had a Tsunami? No, I don’t mean:

“A tsunami (pronounced tsoo-nah-mee) is a wave train, or series of waves, generated in a body of water by an impulsive disturbance that vertically displaces the water column. Earthquakes, landslides, volcanic eruptions, explosions, and even the impact of cosmic bodies, such as meteorites, can generate tsunamis. Tsunamis can savagely attack coastlines, causing devastating property damage and loss of life.”


I mean the alcoholic beverage sometimes called a tsunami. …