Category Archives: Feature Articles

3/7 – Community 2.0: The Crystal Mind Conference and Mindfulness Movement in Russia

Feature Articles / January-February 2016

The Crystal Mind conference’s organizers

Special Russia Issue Guest Editor’s Note:

To me the Crystal Mind Conference is one of the brightest and most interesting consciousness-related events in Russia. For my country, it is one of the first attempts to collectively pioneer mindfulness in a systematic and professional manner, with skillful media coverage, and a broad range of speakers-participants, attempting to jumpstart a mindfulness revolution here.

One of the features of the conference is that mindfulness is understood in a …

3/7 – The role of leadership in city revival.  Challenges and hidden growth potential

Feature Articles / January-February 2016

Maxim Arzumanyan

Leadership is stepping forth on the management arena

Major demand for leadership as a managing approach was generated during transition stage from planned to market economy and later on to innovative economy in some segments. In the first case the task was to redistribute resources and administration, in the second to focus on client and quality and in the third to create environment which promoted development and implementation of new unconventional solutions.

It was obvious that people couldn’t …

3/7 – What is the Dzogchen of vertical leadership development? Does it exist?

Feature Articles / January-February 2016

Anastasia Gosteva

Four years ago I was sitting in the meditation hall in my master’s ashram when suddenly the whole world became alive. The chair I was sitting on, the carpet, the column, the air—every inch of matter and space was alive and pulsating with love, it was love itself. Technically I saw that my so-called body was still separate from the so-called walls, but I could find no separate me anymore, no borders, no separation in the Being itself. …


Feature Articles / January-February 2016

Anatoly Balyaev

Balyaev 1

My inner child has been asking to speak about one of his favorite themes for a long time. This time I won’t stop him from doing it. Many years ago, there were lots of amazing sci-fi stories in my young life, and I’ve grown up absorbing their significant vision of future with all of my mind and soul. Now, I—together with my inner child who was on my every seminar and lecture about Spiral Dynamics and the Integral …

3/7 – On Specific Questions Regarding Integral Geography

Feature Articles / January-February 2016

Milana Ragulina

Translated from Russian by Eugene Pustoshkin

In this essay I want to discuss several specific questions that are important for me as a scholar-researcher who wants to continue applying the integral methodology in my own work.

The first question is related to the specificity of Siberia—a region which is non-homologous and full of contrasts in terms of its nature and culture—and its being a premise for efficiency of applying Integral Theory. One could draw inspiration from Russian polyculturality …

3/7 – Integral Education (in Siberia)

Feature Articles / January-February 2016

Diana Belotserkovskaya

Translated from Russian by Eugene Pustoshkin

Education is the initiation of a human being into his or her own innermost nature; the Force which originates in “an infinite potential-in-potentiality,” given to an individual at birth due to the nature of his or her origination from the unitive primordial principle, the infinite Force. Education plays a leading role in the evolution of humanity, fostering the flowering of the potential Force of the Higher Nature of each and every human

1/18 – Psychonetics: A Russian Corpus of Psychotechnologies

Feature Articles / January-February 2016

Oleg Bakhtiyarov (Translated from Russian by Eugene Pustoshkin)

Today the entire corpus of psychotechniques is so vast that one could find practices aimed at both resolving psychological, social or medical problems and developing supranormative skills necessary for performing extreme tasks in operational or intellectual activities. There are also, however, non-pragmatic motivations such as the drive towards understanding oneself, the World and Being. A significant portion of non-pragmatic practices is aimed at attaining interior freedom and non-contingency of consciousness upon …

1/18 – Who benefits from vertical development in Russia today?

Feature Articles / January-February 2016

Anastasia Nekrasova and Irina Smirnova

An expanded individual: an end or a means?

Coaching in Russia is a relatively new field. Although in its cradle, developmental coaching awakes curiosity – it seems to have powers to transform people and systems. How do those coaches use this power? Who benefits from the transformations they induce?

This article arose from observing a pattern within the coaching practice in Russia: we coaches seem to be more comfortable working with clients outside their organisational …

1/18 – A Russian Immigrant’s Experience at One of America’s Liberal Arts Programs and His Attempt at Making It More Integral

Feature Articles / January-February 2016

George Koupatadze

Background & the Context

My story is that of a typical immigrant.  My family and I decided to immigrate to the United States from Russia during the time of great turmoil in our home country – after the Soviet Union collapsed and together with it – our familiar way of life.  As the country was looking for new ways of existence and governance, its people were desperately trying to adapt to the new socio-economic realities that had become …

1/18 – Integral Russian Experience: Developing a Training & Development System Through the Lens of the Integral “All-Quadrant” Approach

Feature Articles / January-February 2016

Elena Ryuse

In this short essay I want to discuss some actual examples and aspects of creating and developing a training system in Russian and international companies as seen through the perspective of the Integral approach.  I will briefly review some methods and tools which have proven to be successful and been applied in business organizations.

Ken Wilber in his Integral AQAL code uses the I-WE-IT-ITS system of quadrants, or basic perspectives on or dimensions of human systems; and this …