Category Archives: Global Values Update

Global Values Update

Global Values Update / June 2010

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Which South Africa in 2010: A Successful Emerging Economy
or an Increasingly Polarized Failing Society?

by Alan Tonkin


In considering the current situation in South Africa, two widely differing scenario’s can be drawn. The first is a successful emerging economy with major infrastructure expenditure for the forthcoming 2010 Soccer World Cup in June/July, 2010. The second is one where racial hate speech from both the left and right wings of the political spectrum is increasingly being expressed.

In this article …

Global Values Update

Global Values Update / March 2010

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Why Western Democracy Is Not a Global Notion:
Required a Values Based System of Governance

by Alan Tonkin


The concept of “Western style democracy” is not a globally accepted notion as we see every day on the 24 hour international news channels as well as in the world’s press. This is because different societies with vastly different levels of development and values, view governance from very different values perspectives.

For the purposes of this discussion paper we will consider …

Global Values Update

Global Values Update / June 2009

The South African Elections 2009: A Values Perspective

alan tonkinAn Introduction: In analysing the recent national and provincial election in South Africa it is intended to use the “values prism” to evaluate the results. Commentators from a wide variety of viewpoints have analysed the results with the one major missing element being that of values and worldviews.

Dr. Don Beck of the Centre for Human Emergence, who has visited South Africa over sixty times since the early 1980’s and worked with …

Global Values Update

Global Values Update / March 2009

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Alan TonkinIn looking at our world with all its challenges in 2009 there are many opportunities for the better understanding of how “values” play a key role at all levels of our global society.

At one end of the spectrum there is the global financial crises as well as the possibility of the nations of the world adopting protectionist policies in order to protect employment levels at home. At another level there is the real risk of global instability caused by …

Global Values Update: Evolving Values in the 21st Century: An Integrated View

Global Values Update / January 2009

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Alan TonkinIn considering the rapidly changing “Global Village” in which we live and the profound changes taking place in society at all levels, a key component of this change is the values mix experienced globally, as well as on a country by country basis.

The recent publication of “Global Trends 2025: A Transformed World” produced by the National Intelligence Council in the United States with assistance from a variety of participants, paints a picture of both challenge and opportunity with significant …

Global Values Update: Developing a Sustainable Democracy in South Africa? How Understanding Different Values Can Shape Democracy

Global Values Update / October 2008

Alan Tonkin Logo
Alan TonkinThe recalling of Thabo Mbeki the President of South Africa by the ANC National Executive marks a possible key turning point in the development of a flourishing democracy in South Africa. Although Mbeki, who was educated in the UK, has been seen as a supporter of policies supporting the development of a strong economy he has also been strongly criticised for his views on AIDS as well as his “quiet diplomacy” in Zimbabwe. He was also seen as aloof and

Global Values Update: Alan Tonkin Developing Countries, Democracy & Values

Global Values Update / August 2008

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Alan TonkinIntroduction
In considering the role of developing countries in the 21st Century there is little doubt that their position on the “values scale” largely determines their relative progress on the economic and social fronts. There are a number of global indicators that can be used including the “Failed States Index 2008” produced by and The Fund for Peace.


The map shown above courtesy of indicates five categories ranging from Most Stable (the top ranking), through Stable, Borderline, In

Global Values Update

Global Values Update / June 2008

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“Values in Our Global Village – Different Values – Different Stages of Democracy”

Alan TonkinIn looking at our “Global Village” from a systems perspective it is often unclear why different countries behave in different ways. This is particularly the case in the developed Western democracies who often believe that the majority of the population of our “Global Village” should share the same set of values as themselves.

However, the reality is that nothing could be further from the truth as the …