Fresh Perspective: Leadership and Archetypes: A Conversation with Carol S. Pearson

Fresh Perspective / August 2007

Carol S. PearsonRuss VolckmannQ: Carol, it’s a great pleasure to talk to you. I know of you primarily as the Director of the James MacGregor Burns Academy of Leadership at the University of Maryland and have discovered that you have a very rich background in a wide variety of areas that I think are highly relevant to the study of leadership. I look forward to talking to you about that. Your Ph.D. is in what field?

A: My Ph.D. is in English.


Dialogue: Integral Theory into Integral Action: Part 6

Dialogue / August 2007

In the last episode of this dialogue, our conversation turned to process and mediating factors in development. I closed that episode with the following paragraph:

The question I will leave us with for our next installment is this: How can the “Basic Activity Triad” and the “Mediating Holon” help us make sense of all of this. For example, what can we see about the relationship between leader and follower and context? What are the mediating variables? How do these help